AgentK88 / FloodMonitor

Flood status at local station and display with Lego stand
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micropython raspberry-pi-pico


Flood status at my local monitoring station and weather status display with Lego stand

For this project I am using a Raspberry Pi Pico W and a 3.7" e-Paper e-Ink Display for Raspberry Pi Pico

I chose these products as I intend to have an always on display with exceptionally low power consumption. River levels tend to change slowly and so there is little need to update the display more regularly than hourly.

Original inspiration

Credit for the Lego design in the pictures below must be attributed to my dear old friend Gregory Bullock. Not only is he a Lego aficionado but also a softwaare engineer par excellence!!! Much love my brother xx

image image

Flood Montoring API

API Reference

Example for Buildwas


What does river level mean?

Weather API

Met Office DataPoint API

Credit where it's due!

In addition to those listed above, I've had to find and use other repositories to complete this project. Below I list the repositories that have either been an inspiration or used in the final solution

raspi-pico-epaper Original display driver used for testing Waveshare 3.7 Inch E-paper, based on Pico_ePaper_Code

Pico_ePaper Updated display driver used in final solution, which also led me to...

writer and freesans20 from MicroPython nano-gui and eventually to other useful things such as...

date and ntptime from micropython-samples

Later into the project, I realised that there was a need to freeze modules to save on RAM usage and to improve display time. However, there seems to be very little advice online on how to do this.

This post on Reddit made the process of freezing modules on Raspberry Pico W simple!