A system for managing events and hangout participation - microservice API and basic UI
Feature: Joining the Event
As a busy AV member
So that I can work out if I want to join an event
I'd like to see who is present in the event, updated in real time
As a new member
So that I can join the event on time
I would like to have a real time view of whether the hangout is live
Feature: Upcoming Event View
As an AV member
So that I can see if the next sessions fit my busy day
I'd like to see the upcoming events of the day
Feature: Private Events
As an AV premium mob/F2F member
So that I can see the next mob session of the week
I'd like to see a list of archived and upcoming mob session
Feature: Event Details
As an interested party
So I can make decisions about attending an event
I would like to know time and recurrence details