AgnelSelvan / upi_payment_qrcode_generator

Generates the QRCode for UPI Payment Flutter
MIT License
14 stars 4 forks source link
dart flutter payment upi upi-payment upi-payment-qrcode-generator upi-qr-code upi-qrcode-generator

UPI Payment QRCode Generator.

This Plugin mainly focus on the generation of UPI Payment QRCode, so that the user can scan the QRCode for paying the specific amount of money using UPI.

pub package

UPI Payment QRCode without amount specified UPI Payment QRCode with amount specified


Use this plugin in Flutter app too:

Platform Support

Android iOS MacOS Web Linux Windows
✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️


In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line:

        upi_payment_qrcode_generator: <latest_version>

Getting Started

Step 1

Import the Package:

import 'package:upi_payment_qrcode_generator/upi_payment_qrcode_generator.dart';

Step 2

Create UPIDetails Object.

final upiDetails = UPIDetails(upiID: "UPI ID", payeeName: "Payee Name", amount: 1);

Here, UPIDetails contains requires a set of properties where,

NOTE: UPI Transaction will operate only in INR.

Step 3

Include this widget in you Widget Tree

UPIPaymentQRCode(upiDetails: upiDetails, size: 200,),

Here, UPIPaymentQRCode contains requires a set of properties,

Include Branding Logo in QRCode

Include this widget in you Widget Tree

    upiDetails: upiDetails, 
    size: 200,
    embeddedImagePath: 'assets/images/logo.png',
    embeddedImageSize: const Size(60, 60),

Here, UPIPaymentQRCode contains requires a set of properties,

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