AgonyTeam / Agony

The Agony of Isaac, a WIP mod for The Binding of Isaac : Afterbirth Plus!
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Items in needs of rework #430

Open dedChar opened 7 years ago

dedChar commented 7 years ago

Need Effect Rework

Need Code Rework

Need Rework in General

VortexGames commented 7 years ago

Brother Cancer should have a name and effect rework

dedChar commented 7 years ago

@VortexGames I'm planning to go through the Google form later to fill this issue, not at home rn tho

ProbablyTez commented 7 years ago

@VortexGames so basically make a new item ? Try to include actual suggestions, we're not going to go very far with "this bad, change it pls"

Anonymous-Koala commented 7 years ago

Lucky Leg should be re-named and resprited into Lucky's Paw(Visually a rabbit paw).

minichibis commented 7 years ago

We should R E A L L Y consider redesigning or scrapping overgrown spine, because a mod copying another popular mod CANNOT go well.

dedChar commented 7 years ago

@minichibis Nah I think it'll be fine. When I had the item idea it was a trinket and was inspired by EtG. Then we turned it into an item tho and after it was coded, we noticed that another mod existed. We shouldn't scratch things just because someone had the same idea.

Anonymous-Koala commented 7 years ago

What other mod has it?

dedChar commented 7 years ago

@Anonymous-Koala Technology Zero

Anonymous-Koala commented 7 years ago

HappyHead sprited Lucky's Paw, the new version of Lucky Leg.

Floofball commented 7 years ago

Here's the new Gasoline Juicebox:

dedChar commented 7 years ago

I added the results from the google form now, but it didn't tell if an item needs a theme rework or an effect rework, so I added them to a "Needs Rework in general" list. If someone has a suggestion on how we could rework these, feel free to post a comment.

Anonymous-Koala commented 7 years ago

Do you happen to have somewhere with the effects of all of them?

dedChar commented 7 years ago

You can search the names in the search bar (if you leave the filters in place) here

Floofball commented 7 years ago

For Parasites [rename to Infestation 3], maggots pop and wriggle out of Isaac's face for the costume, and, any tears shot by Isaac have a luck based chance to be infested tears that explode into 2-3 maggots (like the ones from Antibirth) that run into enemies and dmg and infest them.

When an enemy is infested, any enemies that get in a certain range of it get infested as well. Infested enemies taking a slow, but high dmg tick from their health every (5?) seconds.

Floofball commented 7 years ago

Oi, finally finished Lucky's Paw:

I never want to look at this god damn sprite again.

dedChar commented 7 years ago

wait I thought we were going to use the one provided by HappyHead

VortexGames commented 7 years ago

@Floofball HappyHead's lucky paw is better, we should use that.

dedChar commented 7 years ago

I added a new section for items that need some code rework. It lists all items that feel unisaac-y. All items where you can feel that they are not programmed like vanilla items. If someone is going through the items ingame and finds something that feels wrong, please tell me here.

Anonymous-Koala commented 7 years ago


should all be removed for the reasons I mentioned.


Double Down should have its downside double whatever damage is dealt to the player, instead of 1 heart globally. Doubling damage is really powerful, Eve's Mascara works with that due to hurting your dps on its other end, Double Down could be a more glass cannon kinda thing.

Parasites spawns a maggot instead of a spider, right? And has been renamed to Infestation 3?

Social Anxiety should be renamed into just Anxiety.

Solomon's Crown should become a trinket.

Tourette should have a new sprite.

dedChar commented 7 years ago

So my thoughts on this are that we should keep the idea of Productive Seizure, but change it to fit a different theme and that we could just as well nerf Sacramental Wine by removing the "replace all hears with soul hearts" effect or any other of its effects. I don't think we should rename Social Anxiety, because we already have Growing anxiety, unless we get rid of one of them.

and yes Parasites is called Infestation 3 now and it'll do tiny maggots instead of spiders

Anonymous-Koala commented 7 years ago

What does Growing Anxiety do?

I agree about the rest though. And what about the rest of what I said?

Floofball commented 7 years ago

A suggestion for Knowledge is Power; rename it to Warden's Torch or something, and have it grant a small dmg up for each room on a floor discovered, which disappears next floor.

Anonymous-Koala commented 7 years ago

I like that idea.

Floofball commented 7 years ago

Also, for the Big Rock, why not give you rock tears? Not sure what exactly they'd, maybe have the effect of Yeux Revolver? Even though its a small change, it helps add personality to the item.

Anonymous-Koala commented 7 years ago

Rock Tears is already a thing Terra in Antibirth does, and those are actually cool. Yeux Revolver isn't really unique either, it only flows because after Kil told me the thing it referenced I grew a soft spot for it.

dedChar commented 7 years ago

Well I don't really have anything to say against the rest of your list, koala. These are some valid reason to remove them

dedChar commented 7 years ago

Oh and Growing anxiety makes you smaller when you get hit

Anonymous-Koala commented 7 years ago

Oh yeah I forgot about that one since I kept it. Yeah I agree then. Scrap Sack of Sacks of Sacks and Nut Milk too tho, they're too meme-y.

Floofball commented 7 years ago

Like Koala said, make Suicide God a trinket, and maybe rename it to Suicide King's Crown? I can make the sprite for it later.

Anonymous-Koala commented 7 years ago

I think it shouldn't even be a trinket. It's useless without extra lives and with them its a worse suicide king.

Floofball commented 7 years ago

Keep in mind, though, that Suicide God as a trinket wouldn't disappear, unlike the Suicide King card, which often is useless 90% of the time anyways. If anything, with extra lives, especially ones like Dead Cat, Suicide God could become a BETTER version of Suicide King.

dedChar commented 7 years ago

Yeah I think this could work pretty nice as a trinket

Anonymous-Koala commented 7 years ago

Also another few things that should be removed:

Treasure Hoarder(No real reason to ever utilize him, except for a few niche scenarios, in which the reward still isn't worth it), God transformation(is the reasoning not obvious), Sack of Sack of Sacks(meme), Nut Milk(meme-er) and lastly for now, Party Pills(Do we really need more pill pool dilluting?)

dedChar commented 7 years ago

Do you also want to remove the Bag of Sacks, or only the sack-ception meme part of it?

Anonymous-Koala commented 7 years ago

I'm actually not sure what does it do functionally

dedChar commented 7 years ago

Has a chance to give sack familiars when entering a new level I think

Anonymous-Koala commented 7 years ago

Yeah remove it as a whole, not just the meme part of it.

Anonymous-Koala commented 7 years ago

Welcome to the next episode of "What's, in, the trashcaaaaaan!" with Koala.

What is Happening(Meme taken too far), Mysterious Gaze(Overdone in other mods, and also infinite consumables without a drawback is g a y), Continuity(Sounds kinda lame), Fat Bombs(Worse Mr. Mega), Hypermetropia(too big of a dmg up for too little uniqueness/general anything all that interesting it offers. Also just reverse dead eye), Ordered Chaos(Bootleg Chaos), Lil' Hoarder(Hoarder is on my delet list, and Lil One is just bootleg bumbo), Contract from Above(I like the concept but it's done in a very unisaacy way), KILL(Shit item concept. Either op or too much of a bother), Extra Left Hand(why does this even exist), Ying Yang(BootLEG CHAOS AGAIN COME ON GUYS), Tough Guy(Useless on its own, dumb synergy fodder), Something Something Metal Plate(OP as fuck), Expired Pills(Tarot cloth but for pills. offers nothing different), Chubbest(BIG CHUBBY WAS SHIT WE DONT NEED AN EVEN WORSE ONE), should be removed.

Butcher's Knife should become an active item. Everything Hurts should be a trinket. So Many Options should have a new name.

Floofball commented 7 years ago

Rename 'So Many Options' to 'Stocking List'.

"Buyer's remorse? ..."

Sprites here:

Anonymous-Koala commented 7 years ago

That Book of Communism item needs to be rethemed into Scales of Balance.

Anonymous-Koala commented 7 years ago

Overgrown Spine has to be removed, Tech 0 is now official.

Anonymous-Koala commented 7 years ago

Results of today's quality control:

Nose Baby(Snot Shot is too strong to shoot 100% of the time, and also generally Booger Tears are just a orrible concept design wise) and Malfunctioning Blood Donation Machines(Serve no purpose), are now scrapped.

Fire Monsters are denied for being Dips, Squirts and Dingas with fire, and how their fire re-igniting ability takes away from Sackcloth's, and them losing hp over time will encourage players to just wait them out, unless they're extremley tanky.

Leap Creep is "Denied" but in reality it's just become part of the laser spider Shroom made.

Flaming Clotties are out too, as they're basically the Grilled Clotties from Antibirth but with fires. Also since we're making burning alts only for enemies which get them in Burning Basment and their enemy families, which'll be the basic cellar/basement enemies.

Scrapped Soiled Diaper, it's nice in concept but in execution it'll have a lot of horrible scenarios which make it a shit addition.

How To Leap is basically Edith from Antibirth, and as every tester would tell you, it's a horrible thing.

Smoker's Lung is something that needs to be tested out. If it ends up basically being another Bleeding/Burning/Poisoned, it's gonna be removed.

Chaos Confetti should be dumped. Beyblade meme and also just a Chaos Card with some tiny difference.

Slap, as it's basically just Spear of Destiny + Finger with knockback.

Scrapped Squire for a reason I pointed out on its idea card.

Included enemies, since this basically became the official "Removing what's approved but is also shit" thread.

dedChar commented 7 years ago

The laser spider is not in agony tho Unless we want to

Anonymous-Koala commented 7 years ago

Oh I was sure it is in Agony. Should we add it? Visually I still don't like it all that much tho.

dedChar commented 7 years ago

I'm fine with a laser spider, but the fact that it also can go over corners seems like a bit too much imo

Anonymous-Koala commented 7 years ago

I'm actually the complete opposite. Visually and shooting a laser are not too great imo, but moving over corners is rad.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Replacing the laser with projectiles won't be much work. What do you have in mind?

Anonymous-Koala commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure. Visually I don't know what I want either. If all else fails, we can always just add this ability onto one of the two creep types we've already made(Stuffed Creep with a Monstro's Lung attack, Sick Creep with an Ipecac).

Anonymous-Koala commented 7 years ago

Eggbeater is scrapped.

Shroom's creep is replaced with the watchcreep floof made earlier for sheol, with the wiz brim.

dedChar commented 7 years ago

could you open up an idea issue for the wiz creep?