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Large field-of-view miniature microscope for rats and larger animals.
All information, guides, and tutorials can be found on the Miniscope-LFOV Wiki Page.
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The Miniscope_LFOV is designed to extend the capabilities of the UCLA Miniscope for head-fixed imaging in mice, and head-free imaging to larger rodents and non-human primates. This system is capable of multiple imaging configurations, including deep brain imaging using implanted optical probes and cortical imaging through cranial windows. Some feature highlights are listed below.
## How to use with the Miniscope DAQ Software The MiniLFOV needs an updated videoDevices.json file which holds the configuration data for different modes the MiniLFOV is able to run in. This file can be found in the Miniscope_DAQ_Software_Configurations folder in this repository and should replace the same named fiel in the deviceConfig folder of the Miniscope Software. We have also included an example user configuration file that will run the MiniLFOV in its 2x binning and summing mode. ## How to cite A paper discussing the MiniLFOV and Miniscope Wire-Free DAQ can be found [here](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adg3918). Please use the following citation information. Changliang Guo et al. ,Miniscope-LFOV: A large-field-of-view, single-cell-resolution, miniature microscope for wired and wire-free imaging of neural dynamics in freely behaving animals.Sci. Adv.9, eadg3918(2023).DOI:10.1126/sciadv.adg3918 ```