Computer become a necessity and critical part of our daily life. Human and computer interaction is carried out through traditional input tools such as the mouse, keyboard and other conventional
The technologies used:
Python 3.7
TensorFlow GPU V2
[ ] Description to read before you begin:
due to the limitation of the processing power this script is used to extract wanted gestures and the num of samples per gesture. is used to start the cam and predict gesture
the script is used to link between the gesture predicted and the command to get applied to train models is imported while taring to plot training resutls
training_samples folder :
-containg subset form 20 bn jester data set which is used for the training purpose
resultfolder :
after traing the code genrates txt file contains information about every epoch in the traing proccess
saved_modelfolder :
usign callbacks ,best models wiehgts are saved into this folder while training
the subset of the 20 bn jester data Dataset link in oder to rain the model.
How to run the code to control Spotify :
make sure Spotify app is already downloaded if not download it using windows 10 Microsoft store
wait until the webcam launch
open Spotify (note make sure Spotify is selected and in full-screen mode)
make sure you click on the area of spotify controlers on the botthom
Experiment results
The model is trained on training sample contains 1800 video clips for 5 different gestures.
Model is a combination network between 3D CNN and LSTM
The gestures are combination of 2 static gestures and 3 dynamic gesture.
The model achieved 98% on the training accuracy and 90% on the validation accuracy.