AhmedAloui1997 / RandomLinearProjections

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This code implements the Random Linear Projections (RLP) loss, and provides a framework for running simulations using RLP loss on specified datasets for two primary tasks: regression and reconstruction. This framework integrates the comparison of RLP loss, MSE loss, and MSE loss with $L_2$ regularization across the aforementioned tasks. We also provide two jupyter notebooks for classification on the Moons dataset and MNIST using RLP loss, and an additional jupyter notebook comparing MAE loss and RLP loss for regression tasks. The user can customize several parameters, including the dataset to use, task type, loss function, evaluation metric, and various training parameters. The script saves the train and test losses to CSV files in their respective directories once execution is complete.



To run the script, use the following command:

python3 main.py --Dataset "DatasetName" (optional arguments)


  1. --Dataset (Required): Name of the dataset to be uploaded for the experiment.
  2. --Task (Default: Regression): Specifies the task. It can be either Regression or Autoencoder.
  3. --LossFunction (Default: MSE): Type of loss function to use. Options include: MSE, MSEL2, RLP, MIXUP, and RLPMIX.
  4. --TrainSize (Default: 10000): Size of the training dataset.
  5. --BatchSize (Default: 100): Size of each training batch.
  6. --NumBatches (Default: 1000): Number of RLP Loss Training Batches.
  7. --Epochs (Default: 500): Number of training epochs.
  8. --Iterations (Default: 30): Number of iterations to repeat the task.
  9. --Shift: Distribution Shift Bias. Not required by default.
  10. --Noise: Noise Scaling Factor. Not required by default.
  11. --EvalMetric (Default: MSE): Evaluation metric. Can be either MSE or RLP.


After the simulation completes, the script saves the train and test losses in CSV files. The files are organized in directories based on the evaluation metric used (MSE or RLP). The naming convention for the files is:



  1. If the specified task is neither Regression nor Autoencoder, the script will output an error and exit.
  2. If the evaluation metric specified is neither MSE nor RLP, the script will output an error and exit.


Before running the script, ensure that the required libraries are installed and that the path to the RandomLinearProjections directory is correctly set.


Plain Text:

Shyam Venkatasubramanian*, Ahmed Aloui*, Vahid Tarokh. Random Linear Projections Loss for Hyperplane-Based Optimization in Neural Networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.12356


      title={Random Linear Projections Loss for Hyperplane-Based Optimization in Neural Networks}, 
      author={Shyam Venkatasubramanian and Ahmed Aloui and Vahid Tarokh},