Ahtenus / minecraft-init

Init script for minecraft and bukkit servers
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Init script for minecraft/bukkit servers

A init script that apart from starting and stopping the server correctly also has some extra features for running a mincraft/craftbukkit server.



screen, rsync

Access server console

screen -r minecraft

Exit the console

Ctrl+A D


  1. Symlink the minecraft file to /etc/init.d/minecraft, set the required premissions and update rc.d.

    sudo ln -s ~/minecraft-init/minecraft /etc/init.d/minecraft
    chmod 755  ~/minecraft-init/minecraft
    sudo update-rc.d minecraft defaults
  2. Edit the variables in config.example to your needs and rename it to config (leaving it in the same folder as the original minecraft script)

  3. Move your worlds to the folder specified by WORLDSTORAGE

  4. Edit crontab

    As the server user:

    crontab -e

    Add these lines:

    #m  h   dom mon dow command
    02  05  *   *   *   /etc/init.d/minecraft backup
    55  04  *   *   *   /etc/init.d/minecraft log-roll
    */30    *   *   *   *   /etc/init.d/minecraft to-disk
  5. To load a world from ramdisk run:

    /etc/init.d/minecraft ramdisk WORLDNAME

    to disable ramdisk, run the same command again.

For more help with the script, run

/etc/init.d/minecraft help

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Good stuff

Backup rotation script good if you want some kind or rolling of the world backups.