Ailothaen / RedditArchiver-standalone

RedditArchiver-standalone is the standalone version of RedditArchiver. "Standalone" means that you do not need a web server: the function was reduced to a simple Python script.
MIT License
73 stars 10 forks source link
archive datahoarder reddit


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RedditArchiver-standalone is the standalone version of RedditArchiver.

"Standalone" means that you do not need a web server: the function was reduced to a simple Python script.

For more information on RedditArchiver itself, see the main repository.

Installing dependencies and setting up tokens

(Replace python3 by py -3 if you are on Windows)

Install dependencies:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Edit the file config.yml to put all the informations needed to connect (client ID, client secret and refresh token).

If you have no clue about what these options are, follow these steps:

  1. Go here and create an app
  2. Use the "script" type, and put http://localhost:8080 as redirect URI (the other options do not matter)
  3. Take note of your client ID and client secret
  4. Run the script to get your refresh token
  5. Edit the config file to put the client ID, client secret and refresh token in it.

Running the script

You can select the submissions you want to download with several methods:

python3 \
    -i \
    -i \
    -i 14iard6
python3 -a -a iamthatis

You can combine these options to download a lot of things at once:

python3 \
    -i \
    -i \
    -i 14iard6 \
    -s -u -A -l 10

RedditArchiver has more options to control its behavior (limit of submissions retrieved, config file...). To see more, display help with the -h option.


This software is licensed with MIT license.