Aircloak / aircloak

This repository contains the Aircloak Air frontend as well as the code for our Cloak query and anonymization platform
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Fix active class of nav links #4916

Closed edongashi closed 3 years ago

edongashi commented 3 years ago

Fixes #4914.

aircloak-robot commented 3 years ago

integration_tests_test job errored 👿

You can see the full build log by running: ci/ build_log pr 4916 integration_tests_test

You can restart the build by running: ci/ force_build pr 4916 integration_tests_test

You can start the remote console by running: ci/ remote_console pr 4916 integration_tests

Log tail:

15:09:53.465 [info]  drop table cloaks

15:09:53.469 [info]  drop table usage_info

15:09:53.472 [info]  drop table airs

15:09:53.476 [info]  == Migrated 20180216112239 in 0.0s

15:09:53.482 [info]  == Running 20180302151358 Central.Repo.Migrations.CreateLicenses.change/0 forward

15:09:53.483 [info]  create table licenses

15:09:53.488 [info]  == Migrated 20180302151358 in 0.0s

15:09:53.493 [info]  == Running 20180305121014 Central.Repo.Migrations.AddRenewalToLicenses.change/0 forward

15:09:53.493 [info]  alter table licenses

15:09:53.495 [info]  == Migrated 20180305121014 in 0.0s

15:09:53.499 [info]  == Running 20180307123951 Central.Repo.Migrations.AddRevokedToLicenses.change/0 forward

15:09:53.500 [info]  alter table licenses

15:09:53.501 [info]  == Migrated 20180307123951 in 0.0s

15:09:53.506 [info]  == Running 20180423153920 Central.Repo.Migrations.CascadeDeleteLicenses.up/0 forward

15:09:53.506 [info]  execute "ALTER TABLE licenses DROP CONSTRAINT licenses_customer_id_fkey"

15:09:53.508 [info]  alter table licenses

15:09:53.511 [info]  == Migrated 20180423153920 in 0.0s

15:09:53.516 [info]  == Running 20180508143800 Central.Repo.Migrations.DeleteQueriesTable.up/0 forward

15:09:53.516 [info]  drop table queries

15:09:53.520 [info]  == Migrated 20180508143800 in 0.0s

15:09:53.525 [info]  == Running 20180820131126 Central.Repo.Migrations.AddFeaturesToLicenses.change/0 forward

15:09:53.526 [info]  alter table licenses

15:09:53.530 [info]  == Migrated 20180820131126 in 0.0s

15:09:53.536 [info]  == Running 20190423124742 Central.Repo.Migrations.MakeLoginCaseInsensitive.up/0 forward

15:09:53.537 [info]  drop index users_email_index

15:09:53.538 [info]  execute "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX users_email_index ON users (lower(email))"

15:09:53.540 [info]  == Migrated 20190423124742 in 0.0s

15:09:53.545 [info]  == Running 20200108134139 Central.Repo.Migrations.RemoveAirpcsAndCustomerExports.up/0 forward

15:09:53.546 [info]  drop table air_rpcs

15:09:53.548 [info]  drop table customer_exports

15:09:53.550 [info]  == Migrated 20200108134139 in 0.0s
=> 6 sec

aircloak_ci: `/home/ci/.aircloak_ci/data/cache/builds/pr-4916/src/integration_tests/ci/ run_in_container aircloak_ci_tgZtbvuRmm--PO3nJUSp_Q mix test`

15:09:56.727 [info]  Compiling auto-completions

  1) test max_connections can accept up to max_connections connections (IntegrationTest.OdbcTest)
     Expected truthy, got false
     code: assert Enum.all?(Stream.take(Stream.repeatedly(fn -> connect(context.user) end), Air.PsqlServer.configuration().max_connections), &(match?({:ok, _pid}, &1)))

         # 1
           enum: #Function<52.104660160/2 in Stream.repeatedly/1>,
           funs: [#Function<57.104660160/1 in Stream.take_after_guards/2>]

         # 2
         #Function<30.25845194/1 in IntegrationTest.OdbcTest."test max_connections can accept up to max_connections connections"/1>

       test/odbc_test.exs:28: (test)


Finished in 66.5 seconds
144 tests, 1 failure

Randomized with seed 210838
[os_mon] cpu supervisor port (cpu_sup): Erlang has closed
[os_mon] memory supervisor port (memsup): Erlang has closed
=> 73 sec

aircloak_ci: error: error running `/home/ci/.aircloak_ci/data/cache/builds/pr-4916/src/integration_tests/ci/ run_in_container aircloak_ci_tgZtbvuRmm--PO3nJUSp_Q mix test`
aircloak_ci: result: `error`
aircloak-robot commented 3 years ago

Pull request can be merged 🎉