Aircloak / aircloak

This repository contains the Aircloak Air frontend as well as the code for our Cloak query and anonymization platform
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This repository contains the entirety of the Aircloak system. A system that allows databases to be queried while enforcing the anonymity of the individuals in the dataset.

There are two main components:


You need to have Erlang, Elixir, Rust, and NodeJS installed. The required versions are stated in this file. Please use the asdf version manager to install the correct versions. asdf is also used on CI as well as when building docker containers. This way you can ensure the version you are using locally is the same as the one being used in production and during testing. You need to install asdf, together with the Erlang, Elixir, Rust, and NodeJS plugins.

Before installing erlang, make sure you have unixodbc installed (macOS developers see here for detailed instructions). Once asdf and the required plugins are installed, run asdf install from the root folder of the project.

You will also need Docker 1.11 (macOS developers also need Docker for Mac, see here for instructions). In addition, on macOS, you need to brew install coreutils (gives you both the md5sum and realpath utilities).

You will need to install yarn on your development machine as well. It replaces the node package manager. Using yarn we ensure we are using the same JavaScript packages across our individual development machines.

Docker volumes path

Containers will use the directory $DOCKER_DATA/docker_volumes to store persistent data. If the variable DOCKER_DATA is not set, then $HOME/.aircloak/docker_volumes will be used as the default path. This is useful for development and testing, where you can easily wipe the data or upgrade databases to newer versions. See this postgres issue that discusses the problem of upgrading.

Next Steps

Since this is a monorepo with multiple components, you can find further documentation in each components README. Usually you will want to start with the air and cloak components.


Each component can be deployed to a deploy target. The targets are provided in the deploy_targets folder.

Each deployable component is a Docker image. The base for all the images, both in production and on the CI server, is Debian. The exact Debian version is specified in the .debian-version file, which is the only source of truth for the OS version. Of course, 3rd party images, such as PostgreSQL, MongoDb, and others have their own base image, which is not affected by the ./debian-version file.

From branch

To deploy both air and cloak from a branch (for example master), you can run ./ deploy_target, where deploy_target is the name of the file from the deploy_targets folder (without the path). For example, ./ sebastian will deploy new versions of air and cloak to the sebastian deploy target (which is described in ./deploy_targets/sebastian).

Deploying will always publish all pushed changes from your current local branch.

You can also deploy each component separately using ./cloak/ and ./air/ scripts. Run these scripts without any argument for instructions.

Running a previously built image

It is possible to start your containers with a previously built image. This can be useful if you want to test the behaviour of a previous version without needing to rebuild the image.

For example, to start your system with the version 17.3.0, you can run the following commands:

# from the cloak folder
./ deploy_target start_at_version aircloak/cloak:17.3.0

# from the air folder
./ deploy_target start_at_version aircloak/air:17.3.0

These commands will pull the desired images from and restart the container. Notice that there's no building involved with this command.

Setting up the build server

  1. The machine needs to be able to access at ports 22 (ssh) and 9418 (git protocol).
  2. Setup proper GitHub ssh access in ~/.ssh/config. The configured user should be able to clone the aircloak repo.
  3. mkdir -p /aircloak/quay_deploy && cd /aircloak/quay_deploy/
  4. git clone
  5. Ensure that /aircloak/quay_auth_token exists with the proper auth token
  6. apt-get install procmail jq uuid-runtime

Producing production containers

The following two commands will build, tag, and upload new production air and cloak images to quay. It should be run from the root folder.

air/ aircloak publish
cloak/ aircloak publish

Rolling back

If something is wrong with the deployed version, you can easily rollback to a previously built version. This must be done for each component separately, using the helper script.

First you need to list all published versions for the given component:

# list versions
$ ./cloak/ sebastian versions

0.1.9 (2016-08-18T12:23:14.451047582Z)  # latest version
0.1.8 (2016-08-18T06:46:11.273391659Z)

Now, you can rollback to the previous version:

$ ./cloak/ sebastian rollback 0.1.8

Interacting with production components

Some typical tasks you can run on a thor machine: