Aircloak / aircloak

This repository contains the Aircloak Air frontend as well as the code for our Cloak query and anonymization platform
2 stars 0 forks source link

Allow deleting and setting notes of own queries in permalink #4925

Closed edongashi closed 3 years ago

edongashi commented 3 years ago

Closes #4920. I'm not sure if this will be convenient from the queries page. You have to click a few buttons and open a tab to reach here.

aircloak-robot commented 3 years ago

air_test job errored 👿

You can see the full build log by running: ci/ build_log pr 4925 air_test

You can restart the build by running: ci/ force_build pr 4925 air_test

You can start the remote console by running: ci/ remote_console pr 4925 air

Log tail:

yarn run v1.22.5
warning package.json: No license field
$ eslint --max-warnings 0 js test && prettier --version && prettier --no-config -c css/**.css "../*.md" "../priv/**/*.md"
Checking formatting...
All matched files use Prettier code style!
Done in 11.75s.
=> 13 sec

aircloak_ci: `/home/ci/.aircloak_ci/data/cache/builds/pr-4925/src/air/ci/ run_in_container aircloak_ci_DnSKsQdCjvG34zO7_kPULw make flow`
cd assets && node_modules/.bin/flow check
Found 0 errors
=> 9 sec

aircloak_ci: `/home/ci/.aircloak_ci/data/cache/builds/pr-4925/src/air/ci/ run_in_container aircloak_ci_DnSKsQdCjvG34zO7_kPULw mix lint`
** (config) Ignoring an undefined check: Credo.Check.Warning.NameRedeclarationByDef
** (config) Ignoring an undefined check: Credo.Check.Warning.NameRedeclarationByFn
** (config) Ignoring an undefined check: Credo.Check.Warning.NameRedeclarationByCase
** (config) Ignoring an undefined check: Credo.Check.Warning.NameRedeclarationByAssignment
Checking 187 source files (this might take a while) ...

info: some checks were skipped because they're not compatible with
your version of Elixir (1.11.1).

You can deactivate these checks by adding this to the `checks` list in your config:

    {Credo.Check.Refactor.MapInto, false},
    {Credo.Check.Warning.LazyLogging, false},

Please report incorrect results:

Analysis took 6.7 seconds (0.7s to load, 6.0s running 46 checks on 187 files)
1999 mods/funs, found no issues.

=> 10 sec

aircloak_ci: `/home/ci/.aircloak_ci/data/cache/builds/pr-4925/src/air/ci/ run_in_container aircloak_ci_DnSKsQdCjvG34zO7_kPULw make check-format`
mix format --check-formatted
=> 2 sec

aircloak_ci: `/home/ci/.aircloak_ci/data/cache/builds/pr-4925/src/air/ci/ run_in_container aircloak_ci_DnSKsQdCjvG34zO7_kPULw mix bom --elixir deps --node assets/node_modules /tmp`
Gathering package data...
Processing 911 packages...
Bill of Materials written to /tmp/bom.json
Packaging dependency sources...
Dependency sources written to /tmp/
=> 52 sec

aircloak_ci: `/home/ci/.aircloak_ci/data/cache/builds/pr-4925/src/air/ci/ run_in_container aircloak_ci_DnSKsQdCjvG34zO7_kPULw MIX_HOME=_build make dialyze`
mix dialyze_retry
Finding applications for analysis

14:59:23.483 [info]  Compiling auto-completions
Finding suitable PLTs
Looking up modules in dialyze_erlang-23.1_elixir-1.11.1_deps-dev.plt
Finding applications for dialyze_erlang-23.1_elixir-1.11.1_deps-dev.plt
Finding modules for dialyze_erlang-23.1_elixir-1.11.1_deps-dev.plt
Checking 1316 modules in dialyze_erlang-23.1_elixir-1.11.1_deps-dev.plt
Finding applications for analysis
Looking up modules in dialyze_erlang-23.1_elixir-1.11.1_deps-dev.plt
Finding modules for analysis
Analysing 202 modules with dialyze_erlang-23.1_elixir-1.11.1_deps-dev.plt
lib/air_web/controllers/query_controller.ex:124: Guard test 
          _@3 ::
              #{'__meta__' := _,
                '__struct__' := 'Elixir.Air.Schemas.User',
                'analyst_tables' := _,
                'audit_logs' := _,
                'debug_mode_enabled' := _,
                'decimal_digits' := _,
                'decimal_sep' := _,
                'enabled' := _,
                'groups' := _,
                'id' := _,
                'inserted_at' := _,
                'ldap_dn' := _,
                'login' := _,
                'logins' := _,
                'name' := _,
                'password' := _,
                'password_confirmation' := _,
                'queries' := _,
                'revokable_tokens' := _,
                'source' := _,
                'system' := _,
                'thousand_sep' := _,
                'updated_at' := _,
                'views' := _} =:= 
          'nil' can never succeed

** (Mix) Dialyzer reported 1 warnings
make: *** [Makefile:41: dialyze] Error 1
=> 24 sec

aircloak_ci: error: 
error running `/home/ci/.aircloak_ci/data/cache/builds/pr-4925/src/air/ci/ run_in_container aircloak_ci_DnSKsQdCjvG34zO7_kPULw MIX_HOME=_build make dialyze`
aircloak_ci: result: `error`
aircloak_ci: finished in 5:33 min
aircloak-robot commented 3 years ago

Pull request can be merged 👏