AitorGuerrero / aws-dynamodb-streams

Streams for ease dynamo db queries and scans manipulation.
MIT License
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DynamoDB streams

Power of streams bringed to dynamo DB API. The typescript declarations are the manin documentation.

This package is intended to adapt to the existing use cases, so if your use case is not contemplated, make a pull request.

Current available methods are:


Writable stream for putting documents in a database. I recommend to use together with CollectionPut.

import {Put} from 'aws-dynamodb-streams';
import {DynamoDB} from 'aws-sdk';

let someDocument: any;

const put = new Put(new DynamoDB.DocumentClient());

    MyTableName: {
        PutRequest: {
            Item: someDocument,


Writable stream for putting documents in a table. Is a collection specific version of Put.

import {Put, CollectionPut} from 'aws-dynamodb-streams';
import {DynamoDB} from 'aws-sdk';

let someDocument: any;

const put = new Put(new DynamoDB.DocumentClient());
const collectionPut = new CollectionPut('MyTableName');



Readable stream for getting documents from a table with a indexed query.

import {Query} from 'aws-dynamodb-streams';
import {DynamoDB} from 'aws-sdk';
import {Writable} from 'stream';

let someDocument: any;

const query = new Query(
    new DynamoDB.DocumentClient(),
    {TableName: 'MyTableName'} // aws-sdk/dynamodb/document_client/QueryInput

query.pipe(new Writable({
    objectMode: true,
    write(document, ct, cb) {
        // Do something with document


Readable stream for getting documents from a table with a not indexed query.

import {Scan} from 'aws-dynamodb-streams';
import {DynamoDB} from 'aws-sdk';
import {Writable} from 'stream';

let someDocument: any;

const scan = new Scan(
    new DynamoDB.DocumentClient(),
    {TableName: 'MyTableName'} // aws-sdk/dynamodb/document_client/ScanInput

scan.pipe(new Writable({
    objectMode: true,
    write(document, ct, cb) {
        // Do something with document