Akascape / CTkToolTip

Small pop-up widget for displaying details inside customtkinter. (extension/add-on)
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ctktooltips ctktootip customtkinter customtkinter-tooltips tkinter tkinter-gui tkinter-tooltips tooltip tooltip-library tooltip-plugin


Small tooltip pop-up label for displaying details on customtkinter widgets.




pip install CTkToolTip

GitHub repo size


Simple Usage:

CTkToolTip(widget, message="Your Message")

App Example:

import customtkinter
from CTkToolTip import *

def show_value(value):

def show_text():

root = customtkinter.CTk()

slider = customtkinter.CTkSlider(root, from_=0, to=100, command=show_value)
slider.pack(fill="both", padx=20, pady=20)

tooltip_1 = CTkToolTip(slider, message="50")

button = customtkinter.CTkButton(root, command=show_text)
button.pack(fill="both", padx=20, pady=20)

tooltip_2 = CTkToolTip(button, delay=0.5, message="This is a CTkButton!")



Parameter Description
widget bind the tooltip to the ctk widget
message show the message over the toolip
delay add a small delay before showing the tooltip (default is 0.2)
follow follow the mouse cursor while hovering (default is True)
x_offset change the horizontal offset of the tooltip widget from mouse cursor
y_offset change the vertical offset of the tooltip widget from mouse cursor
alpha change the transparency effect of the tooltip (range: 0-1)
bg_color change the background color of the tooltip
corner_radius roundness of the corners
border_width add a border around the tooltips (default is 0)
border_color change the color of the border width
padding add padx and pady inside the tooltip frame, tuple: (padx, pady)
text_color change the text color of tooltip
wraplength constrains the width of the tooltip, causing CTkToolTip, where required, to wrap the message at word boundaries.
font label text font, tuple: (font_name, size)
justify change the text display structure (left, right or center)
*Other Label Parameters All other parameters for ctk label can be passed in ctktooltip


Thats all about CTkToolTips, hope it will help in your project!