Al-Najd / iOS

An App to Gamify the acts of Islam to make good habits out of it
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Al Najd

An App to Gamify the acts of Islam to make good habits out of it

Hi There! Glad that you have found Al Najd's repo, bless you :)

About Al Najd

Al Najd, in arabic, means "The Road"

It's an app made with one sole purpose, which is make doing the daily prayers an easy, lovable task by letting you know what are the deeds rewards, their benefit in our daily lives and how do they contribute to our inner peace and blessings in all around us

It also gives you an overview of what you did in a week period, and helps in encouraging you to become more motivated in doing your deeds, all in a friendly manner and a gamified way of displaying achievements and growing your Iman better

Techy Stuff (Technologies Used & Why)

Al Najd utilizes TCA (The Composable Architecture) + SwiftUI, after rigorous studying of SwiftUI & Combine, and lots of experimentation, I found that TCA hits the nail for the following Pros and lacks the following Cons:


  1. Composability (Duhh), the ability to dissect features and compose them all together with help of SPM is magnificent
  2. Modularity overpowered, meaning that I can work on specific feature, without building the whole app
  3. Highly testable, you're working in functions, so you can test this function in isolation or with a group


  1. High learning curve, the architecture is new, with lots of strange syntax and stuff that woes the OOP practioners
  2. Still new, not too much of a community yet
  3. learning can be tough if you don't have a subscription on PointFree

With that said, I'll update this README on other topics inside the app at a later date. Also, take it as an opportunity to write more about what I learn here on my blog