Al-Stu / seastackplot

Plot seastack plots!
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Plot with Only Median + IQR #1

Open irmigd opened 5 months ago

irmigd commented 5 months ago

Hi there! I am very eager to try out the sea stack graph, however, my data is non-parametric. As I am using non-parametric tests on my data that use the median, I would like to display the median and the interquartile range, rather than the mean and the standard deviation. I feel like when I plot just these two with the current functionalities, it might not be 100% clear to the viewer what I am displaying. Would there be a way of displaying the interquartile range differently perhaps?

Addition: I am also encountering some issues with the group column labels. Letters such as 'j' and 'y' are cut-off and I cannot seem to adjust it. I see that the same thing happened in the example on this page, with the 'Very Good' label.

A final addition: is it compatible with 'ggsave'? I cannot get this to work either


Al-Stu commented 4 months ago

Hi! I'm so glad you're excited to use the plots :)

Unfortunately as I am currently in the last few months of my PhD, I don't have time to make any changes to how features are displayed, but I'm happy to take feedback on what you would want to see for when I do have time.

Group column label issues are because the package uses facet to split the plots, and I have no idea why greave wouldn't be working, but unfortunately again I do not have time to play around with this at the moment. Hopefully I'll have some more time after PhD or you are welcome to email me (corresponding author on the paper) and I can send you the code for making them outside of the package with base ggplot functions, which may solve some of the issues you're having!

irmigd commented 4 months ago

Thank you for your reply!

I completely understand you don't have the time to adjust any of these things at the moment. I would be happy to try plotting it with base ggplot functions in that case, I will send you an email for the code!

Goodluck with the last months of your PhD :)