Al-Stu / seastackplot

Plot seastack plots!
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The goal of seastackplot is to create graphs that accurately represent the distribution and summary statistics of data.


You can install the development version of seastackplot from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")

Creating a sea stack plot

The easiest way to plot a sea stack plot is using the sea_stack_plot() function. As an example, we will create a graph of how price differs between different diamond cuts using the ‘diamonds’ data set from the ggplot2 package. To create a sea stack plot using the sea_stack_plot(), you need to make sure your data is long format (see here for an explanation of long vs wide format data

To plot a default sea stack plot with mean and standard deviation, the sea_stack_plot() function required the following variables: * data your long format data frame or tibble * data.column the name of the column your values are in * group.column the name of the column your group names are in

#> Loading required package: ggplot2

sea_stack_plot(data = ggplot2::diamonds,
               data.column = 'price',
               group.column = 'cut',
               bin.width = 1000, # bin.width defaults to 1, for this data that is
                                # too high resolution so we set it to 1000
      = T

The sea_stack_plot() function also includes the following variables for plot customisation: * data.label the desired title for the data axis, if left NULL (default), will be the value of data.column

sea_stack_plot(data = ggplot2::diamonds,
               data.column = 'carat',
               data.label = 'Carat',
               group.column = 'cut',
               bin.width = 0.2,
               show.mean = F, 
      = F, # as mean and standard deviation shows by default need to manually silence them
               show.median = T,
               # show.quantiles = T,
               # quant.line.length = 300,
               median.size = 3

An important statistic when working with sea stack plots is the maximum bin size within any group (i.e. the width of the count axis)