AlaBouali / bane

The "bane" Python library stands out as a robust toolkit catering to a wide spectrum of cybersecurity and networking tasks. Its versatile range of functionalities covers various aspects, including bruteforce attacks, cryptographic methods, DDoS attacks, information gathering, botnet creation and management, and CMS vulnerability scanning and more..
MIT License
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How to run/install for kali linux from 0, I'm a beginner :( #15

Closed odin032 closed 8 months ago

odin032 commented 8 months ago

I finished with pip install bane, How to run it now?

AlaBouali commented 8 months ago

installation ( you need to do it once ) : sudo pip3 install bane or sudo pip install bane

run : write in your terminal python3 it will run the python's interpreter, then write: import bane

then follow the documentation of any section you want to learn (brute force, ddos, vulnerability scanning... ) : getting your current IP bane.IP_Info.my_ip() I hope this was clear enough !

AlaBouali commented 8 months ago

here is an example:


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