AlaBouali / bane

The "bane" Python library stands out as a robust toolkit catering to a wide spectrum of cybersecurity and networking tasks. Its versatile range of functionalities covers various aspects, including bruteforce attacks, cryptographic methods, DDoS attacks, information gathering, botnet creation and management, and CMS vulnerability scanning and more..
MIT License
294 stars 57 forks source link
botnet-tools botnets bruteforce-attacks cms-vulns-finder cors-misconfiguration-scanner csrf-scanner ddos-attacks hacking hacking-tools information-gathering-tools path-traversal-scanner penetration-testing pentesting-python rce-scanner remote-code-execution remote-command-execution sql-injection ssrf-scanner vulnerability-scanners xss-scanner

"Oh, you think darkness is your ally. But you merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING! The shadows betray you, because they belong to me!" -Bane (Dark Knight)

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Table of contents


The "bane" Python library stands out as a robust toolkit catering to a wide spectrum of cybersecurity and networking tasks. Its versatile range of functionalities covers various aspects, including bruteforce attacks, cryptographic methods, DDoS attacks, information gathering, botnet creation and management, and CMS vulnerability scanning, among others. The library's capabilities extend from performing bruteforce login attempts to analyzing web pages for vulnerabilities, managing botnets, and conducting thorough network discovery. Noteworthy is its rich selection of modules, which encompass encryption tools, security testing utilities, network scanning features, and other essential functions. This comprehensive library, written in pure Python, operates seamlessly on both Python 2 and 3, as well as Jython and IronPython. Maintained diligently since April 2018 by its sole developer Ala Bouali, "bane" continues to evolve, offering cybersecurity professionals and network administrators a powerful and self-contained toolkit for their operations.

This library is intended exclusively for educational purposes and ethical use with the explicit permission from the people who this tool is used against. The author of this code expressly disclaims any responsibility for any misuse or improper application of this library. It is imperative to emphasize that the user, and the user alone, bears full accountability for their actions when utilizing this library. Any legal ramifications stemming from the misuse of this library are solely the responsibility of the user, and the author shall not be held liable for any such consequences. By utilizing this library, users are acknowledging their understanding and acceptance of these terms and conditions.
