Alamantus / FeatherWiki

A tiny, self-contained JavaScript wiki that runs in the browser [MIRROR]
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
115 stars 10 forks source link
quine wiki

Feather Wiki

A 58.048 kilobyte quine for creating simple, self-contained wikis. The idea is that it's like TiddlyWiki but as small as possible.

Check out the Documentation to see it in action and learn how to use it!

Browser Compatibility

Feather Wiki will only run on browsers that support ECMAScript 2015 (also known as ES6) features.

👨‍💻 Technical Talk: Supported Browsers According to [this ECMAScript compatibility table](, the following browser versions should definitely be able to run Feather Wiki version 1.3.0 and up without issues: - Chrome 86+ - Edge 87+ - Firefox 88+ - iOS Safari 12+ - Opera 73+ - Opera Mobile 62+ - Safari 13+ - Samsung Internet for Android 12+ The chart linked above is incomplete, so if your browser is older than any of these, you _might_ still be able to run Feather Wiki, but you'll have to check yourself if it supports [features from ECMAScript 2015](


Feather Wiki includes code for saving to web servers that are set up in a particular way. It expects a dav header with any value to be returned by an OPTIONS call to the server at the same address as the Feather Wiki file is served. If the server looks compatible, Feather Wiki will display a "Save Wiki to Server" button above a "Save Wiki Locally" button.

When the user clicks the "Save Wiki to Server" button, Feather Wiki will send a PUT request to the server with a body that contains the full HTML output of the Feather Wiki file that would normally be downloaded to the computer. If you want password protection on your wiki (and I think you should), then you'll need to implement that in a way that the server can understand, whether by having the user log in on a different page and saving to a domain cookie or by using basic HTTP auth—the choice is yours.

After sending to the server, Feather Wiki expects either a success or failed response with an optional text message as the body to explain a failure. If not text is returned in the response body on a failure, it will simply display the status code in a message box, eg. "Save Failed! Status 403." On success, Feather Wiki will display "Saved."

You can see this functionality on Tiddlyhost or by using a self-hosted nest from this repository!

Plumage & Bones

Feather Wiki's CSS and JavaScript files are available separately from the full HTML, but it is important to note that the JavaScript currently expects both its code and the CSS to be on the HTML page that is loaded in full in order to save! Specifically, the contents of the .js file must be in the HTML output inside of a <script id="a"> script tag with the id as specified (a), and the contents of the .css must be in the HTML output inside of a <script id="s"> style tag with the id as specified (s). If you don't need to save your wiki, then you don't need to do this.


See the file for details on how you can help with the project. Details on adding non-English translations to Feather Wiki are included there.


Feather Wiki uses only a few JavaScript dependencies to function on the front end, but it requires more to develop.

To get your computer set up to develop:

  1. Install Git
  2. Install Node
  3. Use a command line or terminal
  4. Clone the git repo with git clone
  5. Navigate to your cloned repo cd FeatherWiki
  6. Run npm install
  7. Run npm start and visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser
  8. Start making changes to the JavaScript to update your build—you will need to refresh your browser to see your changes
    • Note: Changing the CSS doesn't automatically update the build, so you'll need to modify some JS or restart the script to see those changes

When you're ready to build, simply use the npm run build to build Feather Wiki.

To test a build, you can use npm test to build and serve the Server build on a local http server. The test script will allow Feather Wiki to use the "Save Wiki to Server" button—the output gets saved to develop/put-save.html if you need to check it.


Feather Wiki uses a modified version of Choo as its base JavaScript framework, a subset of JSON-Compress for minifying JSON output, a customized pell for its HTML editor, and a greatly customized md.js for its Markdown parsing.

The overarching goal is to keep Feather Wiki as small as possible while still providing the most important features. Unfortunately, that's a pretty loose and fluid goal, but as long as you keep "as small as possible" in mind, you probably won't go too far astray.

License Clarification

Feather Wiki is an HTML document containing a self-replicating JavaScript application for creating wiki-style websites whose content is also stored in the output.
Copyright (C) 2022 Robbie Antenesse \\

Feather Wiki is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Any content created by a user using any version of Feather Wiki is the property of its creator. User-created data and the replicated copies of Feather Wiki containing user-created data can be used and distributed however their creator see fit. The GNU Affero General Public License applies to the code that constitutes the Feather Wiki application and NOT the content created by users of Feather Wiki unless explicitly stated by the user within their own content.

Feather Wiki is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

A copy of the GNU Affero General Public License is included in the source code of Feather Wiki. If not, see