AlanFord / ZapMeNot

Python library for simple point-kernel photon shielding analyses
GNU General Public License v3.0
10 stars 3 forks source link

Read Me

ZapMeNot is a Python library of functions for point-kernel photon shielding analyses.

Getting Started

Quick Start Docs <> Full documentation <>

Version Changelog

ZapMeNot is still in its alpha release



Installing from a local source tree:

:code:pip install ./ZapMeNot

You can also install in Development Mode:

:code:pip install -e ./ZapMeNot

You can also install from Github:

:code:pip install git+git://

Installing in Anaconda is a bit more complicated. You must first manually install the prerequisites in conda::

conda install pip
conda install git
conda install numpy
conda install scipy
conda install pytest
conda install pyyaml
pip install git+git://

This may be simplified in the future as my knowledge of installation packages improves!


Testing is designed around the use of pytest. From the root directory of the package, the basic unit tests can be run as follows:

:code:pytest -m basic

Benchmark cases can be run using the following command. Note that these cases are designed to fail PyTest. Each benchmark prints the calculation results and the difference (in percent) from the corresponding Microshield case.

:code:pytest -s -m benchmark

Valuable References

`ZapMeNot Documentation <>`__

`Github Repo <>`__

`Download Python <>`__


The `GNU general public license <>`__


.. code-block:: python

from zapmenot import model,source,shield,detector,material

sample_sink = model.Model()

# create the source
a_source = source.PointSource(x=0, y=0, z=0)

# define the location where the dose will be calculated
exposure_detector = detector.Detector(x=200, y=40, z=40)

# define a shield and add it to the model
first_shield = shield.SemiInfiniteXSlab('concrete', x_start=12, x_end=32.1)

# define a second shield and add it to the model
second_shield = shield.SemiInfiniteXSlab('iron', x_start=32.1, x_end=33.1)

# declare which shield material will be used for buildup factor calculations
buildup_factor_material = material.Material('iron')

# (optionally) declare a meterial to fill all non-defined regions

# calculate exposure in mR/hr
exposure = sample_sink.calculate_exposure()
print('The exposure is ', exposure, ' mR/hr')