Albert0147 / AaD_SFDA

Code for our NeurIPS 2022 (spotlight) paper 'Attracting and Dispersing: A Simple Approach for Source-free Domain Adaptation'
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(NeurIPS 2022 Spotlight) Attracting and Dispersing: A Simple Approach for Source-free Domain Adaptation

Shiqi Yang, Yaxing Wang, Kai Wang, Shangling Jui and Joost van de Weijer

Code for our paper 'Attracting and Dispersing: A Simple Approach for Source-free Domain Adaptation'





code on VisDA

We use pytoch 1.3 with cuda 10.0

Attention: Please note that the kl_div in pytorch equals to dot product if there is no log for the input.

Download VisDA dataset and change the path in the code to it. First train model on Source domain, directly run Source-free domain adaptation, directly run

You can insert the core part (loss computing starting in Line 297 in into code of any other SFDA method, such as our NRC (NeurIPS 2021) or SHOT (ICML 2020)

For computing SND, you can use the file (code is from SND), in the paper we compute SND after only training for a few epochs (~5 on visda).


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