AlbertBrand / skippyjs

SkippyJS alpha - the faster test runner
MIT License
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SkippyJS alpha - the faster test runner

SkippyJS is an continuous test runner for JavaScript using PhantomJS. It features:


Install skippyjs:

npm install skippyjs --saveDev

Create a skippy config file, see skippyConfig.js for an example.

Run skippyJS:

./node_modules/.bin/skippyjs mySkippyConfig.js

The following options are supported:

    -h, --help            output usage information
    -V, --version         output the version number
    -r, --run-once        only perform one test run, do not watch file changes
    -s, --store-coverage  store coverage JSON after determining related files
    --verbose             verbose output


The skippy config file can be written with ES6 (ES2015) or ES5 syntax, ES6 is preferred.

// Select the test framework your project uses. 
// Only jasmine@1.3.1 and jasmine@2.3.4 is supported right now.
export let testFramework = 'jasmine@2.3.4';

// Specify which files should be instrumented to determine the relation between src and test. 
// Files that normally should not be instrumented are libraries and configuration.
// You can use the glob-all syntax. 
export let instrumentFiles = [

// Specify all the src files that are needed to boot your application. Note that order is
// important. You can use the spread operator to combine the instrumented files in this array.
export let srcFiles = [

// Specify the files containing tests. 
export let testFiles = [

// Specify static file contents to be served by Skippy's http server. Uses 
// as implementation. The 'passthrough' flag is ignored.
export let staticFiles = [
  { path: 'some/path/to/img', url: '/assets/images' }

// Override the number of Phantom processes used to run tests. Default is 8. 
export let maxProcesses = 4;

// Optionally define preprocessors for your src files. 
// See 'Preprocessor setup' for more details.
export let preprocessors = {};

// Override the temp path for storing processed files and coverage. Defaults to
// <app root>/node_modules/skippyjs/.tmp
export let tmpPath = '.tmp/';

// Override the port for the HTTP server that hosts files for Phantom. Defaults to 3000.
export let httpServerPort = 3001;

// Only perform one test run. Exists with status code 1 if any test failed. Can also be
// set with --run-once flag. Defaults to false.
export let runOnce = true;

// Store the JS coverage after related files have been determined. It causes a 
// slight perf hit as retrieving it from Phantom is slow. Can also be set with 
// --store-coverage flag. Default is false.
export let storeCoverage = true;

// Enable more verbose output. Turning it on may cause some degraded perf. Can also be
// set with --verbose flag. Default is false.
export let verbose = true;


Go to ./example

Run skippyJS:

../bin/skippyjs skippyConfig.js

Implementation details

Determining relation

To determine the relation between a src and test file, the following algorithm is used:

There are many cases where this relation between tests does not hold. But in practice it can be sufficient.

Application init:

File watcher behavior:

Preprocessor setup

First install your favorite Karma preprocessor using npm, for instance:

npm install --save karma-coffee-preprocessor

Then, setup the preprocessor in your config:

// ... other exports

import ngHtml2jsPreprocessor from 'karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor';
import coffeePreprocessor from 'karma-coffee-preprocessor';

export let preprocessors = {
  '**/*.html': ngHtml2jsPreprocessor, // shorthand, pick first preprocessor from imported object
  '**/*.coffee': { // full syntax
    name: 'coffee', // optional alternative preprocessor name from imported object
    preprocessor: coffeePreprocessor,
    config: {
      // optional configuration normally specified in karma config
      coffeePreprocessor: {
        // example, see preprocessor docs for details
        transformPath: (path) => { return path; }

Make sure to include the preprocessed files in your src files:

export srcFiles = [
  // ... etc

