AlbertHald / Minecraft-Turtle-Language

A beginner friendly programming language for a programmable turtle in Minecraft.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Minecraft Turtle Language Interpreter

This is the repository for the Minecraft Turtle Language Interpreter. The actual MCTL implementation can be found at

The interpreter reads the MCTL code and transforms it into actions that can run inside the Mincecraft runtime. The actions are sent to the MCTL mod via an IGameBridge. Check out the EndToEnd tests to see how this is done. These tests use the TextGameBridge which outputs actions as a text file, allowing us to easily inspect the result of running the code.

Code examples

There are several fully fledged code examples in test/java/dk/aau/p4/abaaja/EndToEnd/Code.

Alternatively, you can also check out test/java/dk/aau/p4/abaaja/PrettyPrinterTests/PrettyCode.

Development and testing

The file src/main/java/dk/aau/p4/abaaja/ will take any code as text and first format it for you, then run the code. All output is printed to the console. This is an easy way to run tests while developing.

Most of the interpreter is also unit tested. The tests can be found and run in the test folder. They use TestNG with Mockito.

How to build for production

  1. Ensure you have a Java 17 compiler with Maven installed.
  2. Initialize the Maven project.
  3. Run the Maven task MCTL > Lifecycle > clean.
  4. Run the Maven task MCTL > Lifecycle > package.
  5. Collect the packaged interpreter at target/MCTL.jar.