AlbughdadiM / satellite-sam-dashboard

This app integrates the Segment Anything Model (SAM) with Sentinel-2 data. The app is built using Dash Plotly and dash leaflet. It allows segmenting satellite images using the two ways provided by SAM: automatic mask generator and prompt segmentation (using points and bounding boxes).
MIT License
27 stars 5 forks source link
computer-vision dash-plotly python pytorch remote-sensing satellite-imagery segment-anything-model segmentation sentinel-2

Satellite SAM Dashboard

Mohanad Albughdadi. (2023). AlbughdadiM/satellite-sam-dashboard: v0.1.0 (v0.1.0). Zenodo.


About this app

This app integrates the Segment Anything Model 1 (SAM) with Sentinel-2 data. The app is built using Dash Plotly and dash leaflet 2. It allows segmenting satellite images using the two ways provided by SAM: automatic mask generator and prompt segmentation (using points and bounding boxes).


Python 3.10


How to deploy the app


  1. Clone the repository, checkout to the dev branch, create a virtual environment and install the requirements.
git clone
cd satellite-sam-dashboard
git checkout dev
python3.10 -m venv myven
source myvenv/bin/activate
python3.10 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
mkdir src/weights
wget -P src/weights/

Note that the installation of rasterio requires GDAL to be installed 3.

  1. Once all the dependencies are installed, do the following
cd src
  1. Navigate to to start working with the app.


  1. Clone the repository, checkout to the main branch, build the docker image and create a container.
git clone
cd satellite-sam-dashboard
docker build . -t satellite-sam-dashboard:v0.1
docker run --name=dashboard -p 8080:8080 satellite-sam-dashboard:v0.1

Alternatively, you can pull the already-built docker image

docker pull
docker run --name=dashboard -p 8080:8080 satellite-sam-dashboard:latest

Screenshot of the app

Screenshot of app


The app provides two options to use SAM with Sentinel-2 images:

  1. Automatic Mask Generation

    1. The user draws a bounding box on the ROI to generate a segmentation mask for.
    2. Tool to draw boundg box Draw boundg box around your ROI
    3. The bounding box annotation will be added to the table "annotated data" marking xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, id and the type of the geometry.
    4. Generated coordinates of the bounding box
    5. To generate an automatic mask for the whole region covered by the bounding box, the user must select type as "ROI BBox".
    6. Set type of bounding box to ROI BBox
    7. In the Automatic Mask Configuration part of the dashboard, the two parameters prediction IoU threshold and stability score threshold contol the results of the generated mask.
    8. Once the ROI is selected and the parameters are adjusted, click on Segment ROI.
    9. The user can visualize the obtained results on the map.
    10. Obtained automatic mask
    11. The user can download the results as a zip file by clicking on Download Results
    12. QGIS visualization
    13. To start a new segmentation task, click on Refresh.
  2. SAM Prompts

    1. The user draws a bounding box around the object to be segmented using the bounding box drawing tool.
    2. QGIS visualization
    3. The user can obtain a binary mask showing the object inside this bounding box.
    4. QGIS visualization
    5. The user can refine the segmentation results by using foreground and background points.
    6. QGIS visualization QGIS visualization
    7. The user can draw multiple bounding boxes associated with multiple objects in the satellite image. Additionally, each bounding box can be associated with multiple foreground and background points.
    8. Once the object is selected and the supporting points, click on Segment ROI.
    9. The user can visualize the obtained results on the map.
    10. The user can download the results as a zip file by clicking on Download Results
    11. QGIS visualization
    12. To start a new segmentation task, click on Refresh.

