AlcaDesign / clip-player

A Twitch chat connected Clip player
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Clip Player

Links to Clips that are posted in the chat will automatically queue and play on the stream. Clips are limited to the targeted channel.

Note the future changes in the "To Do" section. Many of these will be breaking changes.

Here is a hosted version that you may use:, just add the query string parameters as needed from below.

Chat Commands

These commands are for channel moderators and the broadcaster.

Name Args Description
!forceclip clip URL Force a Clip to be queued. This will ignore the channel limit and queue.
!clipskip Skip the currently playing Clip.
!cliptoggle Toggle the Clip player.
!clipenable Enable the Clip player.
!clipdisable Disable the Clip player.
!clipsubonly Toggle/enable/disable the sub-only mode.
!clipmutetoggle Toggle the mute state of the player. Will automatically skip the current clip if changing to muted state.
!clipmute Enable the mute state of the player. Similarly will skip the current clip.
!clipunmute Disable the mute state of the player.
!cliptestregion Show a test region. Useful for layout. You can see


Commands also have a flipped order alias. For instance, !clipskip has !skipclip as an alias. !clipmutetoggle has 5 other aliases for the different orders just in case.

Query String Parameters

Name Default Description
channel Required. Target this channel.
scale 3 Determines how large the player will appear within the source.
animation-side right Edge the slide animation starts from.
muted false Set the Clip embed to muted by default.
sub-only false Require a user be subscribed, moderator, or the broadcaster in order to activate the Clip player.
ignore One or more usernames to ignore. Use separate instaces of &ignore=\<username> to add more. Nightbot & Moobot are already ignored.


This required property should be the username of the channel that the IRC listener will JOIN.



The source can still be scaled down in the streaming software but it won't look good if scaled up. 1080 / scale is how you can determine the preferred size. Larger numbers mean a smaller player. A value of 3 is 360p, 2 is 540p, 1.5 is 720p, etc.



Choose which side the slide animation starts from. You can choose from: top, right, bottom, or left.


Aliases: anim-side


Append &muted to the URL to default to a muted state. No specified value is necessary. Setting it to anything but empty, true, 1, or t or removing it will disable muting.


Aliases: mute


Required a user to be subscribed to the channel, be a moderator, or be the broadcaster in order to activate the Clip player. Can be altered


Aliases: subonly, sub-required, subrequired


Add usernames to be ignored. Nightbot and Moobot are already ignored. Use additional &ignore='s to ignore more than 1 username. (Comma-separated will not work.)



Currently, volume level must be controlled by either muting it via command or QS or if possible, using the "interact" feature to mouse over and lower the volume in the embed while it's playing. This setting should be remembered.

In the future, this will be easily controllable by QS and commands.

To Do