Alchav / ootbijmqwt

MIT License
4 stars 0 forks source link

Ocarina of Time but it's just Master Quest Water Temple.

I believe this single dungeon (with all possible locations shuffled) stands on its own among other "short games" in Archipelago in regards to location count, logically relevant items, possible spheres, and varying routes through the game.

The code, however, is quite janky and hacky and I would not try to PR this into the main Archipelago repo, so it shall remain an unsupported and unofficial .apworld release.


If you wish to be able to generate OoTbijMQWT games, you should exract ootbijmqwt.apworld into lib\worlds\ in your Archipelago installation folder (or just worlds\ if running from source). Other players need only download the yaml template.