AleksandarDev / vscode-sequence-diagrams

Generates UML sequence diagrams from simple text
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Fix assetPath function for production package #32

Closed JoeMcB closed 3 years ago

JoeMcB commented 3 years ago

Found the issue, as well as the source of the debugging problem.

Issue The asset path function was creating the wrong path for assets as packaged up for distribution. It was building for ./src when the package was only being distributed with extension assets in ./dist. This was complicated by the fact that the src path worked when debugging the extension from source.

Debugging Problem To validate this, I needed to package the extension locally and install it to validate fixes. To create the package locally, simply run vsce package. This will drop the packaged extension vscode-sequence-diagrams-0.4.4.vsix locally, which you can right click on and install.


Next time you open a diagram, open webview developer tools (Command Palette: Open Webview Developer Tools) and refresh the Network tab. You should see your extension pulling from your build package (not your developer source).


Based on this, I'm confident this should be fixed up. Phew!

JoeMcB commented 3 years ago


AleksandarDev commented 3 years ago

@JoeMcB Looks to be working. Thanks for the PR. I published 0.4.5 check it out.