AleksandarDev / vscode-sequence-diagrams

Generates UML sequence diagrams from simple text
49 stars 17 forks source link

VSCode Sequence Diagrams


How to

When you open .seqdiag file in Visual Studio Code, preview tab will open automatically.

If you wish to reopen the preview tab, press CTRL+SHIFT+P or F1 to open Command Palette and execute Show Sequence Diagram Preview command.

See js-sequence-diagrams for syntax details.


property description The diagram style. Select between hand for hand drawn diagram or simple for diagram with simple straight lines.
sequencediagrams.preview.trigger Configure the preview refresh on every change or on file save. Select between onChange and onSave.


Building the extension package

yarn install
yarn vscode:prepublish

Publishing to store

Install Visual Studio Code Extensions CLI

npm install -g vsce

Login and publish the extension

vsce publish -p <token>
