AlenToma / puppeteer-express

Library created to crawl html from websites
MIT License
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puppeteer-express is library created to crawl html from websites. Depending on the settings you will be able to ajust the library to how much CPU and memory you have on the server. The library can handle infinit calls, it will create a que and execute those in order. The library is also able to cache and refresh those calls depending on the settings.

Getting started

npm install puppeteer-express


import * as pExpress from 'puppeteer-express'
// this will generate 2*10 calls at the sametimes
const browser = new pExpress.Browser({ maxPages:10, maxBrowsers: 2}); 
var html = await browser.addAsync("");
// OR
browser.addSync("", (html) => console.log(html));

Advanced setting + Caching

class DataSave {
    constructor() { = new Map();

    async saveData(data) {, data);

    async delete(url) {;

    async onFreeResources(clearAll) {
        // Free your resources here

    async getData(url) {

import * as pExpress from 'puppeteer-express'
import { PendingXHR } from 'pending-xhr-puppeteer'
const browser = new pExpress.Browser(
        dataSave: new DataSave(),
        puppeteerOptions: { headless: false }, // option for puppeteer
        maxPages: 10,
        maxBrowsers: 2,
        pageTimeout: 8000,
        freeResourcesTimer: 3600000, // this will calls onFreeResources every 5 hours
        pageOptions: { waitUntil: 'networkidle2' },// option for
        pageHandler: async (page, url) => {
            const u = URL.parse(url, true);
            var cssSelector = u.query["cssSelector"];
            var ajaxWait = u.query["ajax"];

            if (cssSelector && cssSelector.length > 1) {
                console.log("selector Found", cssSelector)
                // await for css class
                await page.waitForSelector(cssSelector);

            if (ajaxWait && ajaxWait.length > 0) {
                // wait for all ajax calls
                // note you need to install pending-xhr-puppeteer for this to work
                const pendingXHR = new PendingXHR(page);
                await pendingXHR.waitForAllXhrFinished();



var html = await browser.addAsync("");
// OR
browser.addSync("", (html) => console.log(html));