AlessandroCogollo / SE1-Project-2022

Software Engineering Project - Politecnico di Milano - AA2021/22
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Prova Finale Ingegneria del Software 2022

Gruppo AM56

Implemented Functionalities

Functionality State
Basic rules 🟢
Complete rules 🟢
Socket 🟢
Characters (12) 🟢
4 Players Game 🟢
Persistence 🟢
Multiple games 🔴
Connection Resilience 🔴

🔴 🟢 🟡

Test cases

All tests in model and controller has a classes' coverage at 100%.

Coverage criteria: code lines.

Package Coverage
Enum 128/129 (99%)
Network 118/143 (82%)
Model 1103/1211 (91%)
Server 1592/1802 (91%)

Run configuration

The only requirement is the JRE (tested version 17.0.2).

To start the game you need to run first the server:

java -jar <file jar> -s -p <port where open the server>

To start a client you need to run:

java -jar <file jar> -c -p <port of server> -ip <ip of the server>

This will start the standard Cli client.

To specify the exact type of graphic:


java -jar <file jar> -c -p <port of server> -ip <ip of the server> -g Cli


java -jar <file jar> -c -p <port of server> -ip <ip of the server> -g Gui

Additional Information

We also implemented a Bot class for testing. To run it intellij is required: execute it from the class src/test/java/it/polimi/ingsw/Client/ Set the port of the server and the number of bot that you wanna launch.