AlessioGalluccio / FastFlow

an implementation of the architecture of FastFlow (Jiawei Yu et al.)
MIT License
40 stars 13 forks source link

Attention!: This repo is not ready! Work in progress🚧


An unofficial implementation of the architecture of FastFlow (Jiawei Yu et al.). Starting from this implementation of Differnet by Marco Rudolph, I'm trying to create an easy to use implementation of FastFlow.

Python version >= 3.8

If you use neptune, create a file named and insert this code


These parameters are generated when you create a project on neptune, and you can find them there. If you are not interested in using neptune, you can comment the neptune code and the import statement in

This project assumes that you have the mvtec dataset in the following path structure:

- data:
    - mvtec:
        - hazelnut
        - toothbush
        - ...