AlexD10S / substrate-betting

Substrate decentralized betting pallet for learning purposes
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Betting pallet


This pallet implements a basic protocol for decentralized betting.

Every account can create a match where rest of the users can bet. To create a match it is needed to place a deposit that will be returned after distribute the prizes.

The number of bets a user can create now are limited to 1.

Everyone can bet in the match, for a basic result: victory team 1, draw or victory team 2.

When the match is over a user with SUDO priviliges can set the result of the match.

A diagram: Diagram

:warning: It is not a production-ready pallet, but a sample built for learning purposes. It is discouraged to use this code 'as-is' in a production runtime.






Creates a match to bet on. This function must be dispatched by a signed extrinsic. Emit an event on success: `MatchCreated`. #### Parameters: * `origin` – Origin for the call. Must be signed. * `team1` – Name of the first team. * `team2` – Name of the second team. * `start` – Time when the match starts and a bet can not be placed (in blocks). * `lenght` – Duration of the match (in blocks). #### Errors: * `MatchAlreadyExists` – A match for the specified values already exists. * `OriginHasAlreadyOpenMatch` – An origin can only have one match open. * `TimeMatchOver` – The match is created when the match time is over.


Create bet for a match. Emit an event on success: `BetPlaced`. #### Parameters: * `origin` – Origin for the call. Must be signed. * `match_id` – Id of the match, in our case the creator of the bet accountId. * `amount_to_bet` – Amount placed for the bet. * `result` – The result for the bet. #### Errors: * `MatchDoesNotExist` – A match selected for the bet doesn't exist. * `OriginHasAlreadyOpenMatch` – If the match has started, betting is not allowed. * `TimeMatchOver` – The match is created when the match time is over. * `MaxBets` – The match has reach its betting limit. * `AlreadyBet` – You already place the same bet in that match.


Notify the result of an existing match. The dispatch origin for this call must be _Root_. Emit an event on success: `MatchResult`. #### Parameters: * `origin` – Origin for the call. Must be signed. * `match_id` – Id of the match, in our case the creator of the bet accountId. * `result` – The result of the match. #### Errors: * `MatchDoesNotExist` – A match selected for the bet doesn't exist. * `TimeMatchNotOver` – If the match is not over, set the result is not allowed.


When a match ends someone the owner of the match can distribute the money from the winers and delete the match. Distribute winnings: take all the prizes on the pot and distribute the prizes evenly. Example: Person A bets 10 UNITS on team1. Person B bets 10 UNITS on team2. Person C bets 30 UNITS on team1. The total Pot is 50 UNITS. If team1 is the winner, with weighted distribution the person A have to receive the 25% of the pot and the person C the 75%. The maths for this weighted distribution are simple: the amount that one deposit / the total amount of the winners deposit in the case of Person A = 10/40 = 0.25 #### Parameters: * `origin` – Origin for the call. Must be signed. #### Errors: * `MatchDoesNotExist` – A match selected for the bet doesn't exist. * `MatchNotResult` – The match still has not a result.



Get a match stored. #### Parameters: * `match_id` – ID of the match to retrieve (accountId of the creator).

How to add pallet-betting to a node

:information_source: The pallet is compatible with Substrate version polkadot-v0.9.35.

:information_source: This section is based on Substrate node template. Integrating pallet-betting with another node might look slightly different.

Runtime's Cargo.toml

Add pallet-betting, and the RPC runtime API, to dependencies.

version = "0.0.3"
default-features = false
git = ""
branch = "main"

version = "0.0.1"
default-features = false
git = ""
branch = "main"

Update the runtime's std feature:

std = [
    # --snip--
    # --snip--

Node's Cargo.toml

Add pallet-betting-rpc to dependencies.

version = "0.0.1"
default-features = false
git = ""
branch = "main"


Configure the betting pallet.

parameter_types! {
    pub const MatchDeposit: u64 = 10;
    pub const BettingPalletId: PalletId = PalletId(*b"py/betts");

impl pallet_betting::Config for Runtime {
    type RuntimeEvent = RuntimeEvent;
    type PalletId = BettingPalletId;
    type Currency = Balances;
    type MaxTeamNameLength = ConstU32<64>;
    type MaxBetsPerMatch = ConstU32<10>;
      type MatchDeposit = MatchDeposit;
    type WeightInfo = pallet_betting::weights::SubstrateWeight<Runtime>;

Add configured pallets to the construct_runtime macro call.

    pub enum Runtime where
        // --snip--
        // --snip---
        Betting: pallet_betting,
        // --snip---

Add the RPC implementation.

pub type TeamName = BoundedVec<u8, ConstU32<64>>;
pub type Bet = pallet_betting::Bet<AccountId, pallet_betting::MatchResult, Balance>;
pub type Match = pallet_betting::Match<BlockNumber, TeamName, BoundedVec<Bet, ConstU32<10>>, Balance>;

impl_runtime_apis! {
        impl pallet_betting_rpc_runtime_api::BettingApi<Block, AccountId, Match> for Runtime {
            fn get_match(match_id: AccountId) -> pallet_betting_rpc_runtime_api::RpcResult<Match>


Instantiate the RPC extension and merge it into the RPC module.

pub fn create_full<C, P>(
    deps: FullDeps<C, P>,
) -> Result<RpcModule<()>, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>
    // --snip--
    C::Api: pallet_betting_rpc::BettingRuntimeApi<Block, Balance>,
    use pallet_betting_rpc::{Betting, BettingApiServer};
    // --snip--