Prometheus is an ancient and fully personalized mythological character, prominent already in Hesiod, yet his name is one of transparent meaning. It is a regularly-formed Greek word, and means Forethinker (or perhaps Forethought in the abstract). (Guthrie, 1986)
Prometheus is a conventional chess engine.
You can build prometheus on your machine using cmake. From the repo's root directory:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -S . -B build-dir/
cmake --build build-dir/
Then the executable is located at build-dir/prometheus
prometheus has a bot account on lichess:
The board representation and move generation adapts Bluefever Software's "Programming a Chess Engine in C".
Guthrie, William Keith Chambers. In the Beginning: Some Greek Views on the Origins of Life and the Early State of Man. United States, Bloomsbury Academic, 1986.