AlexNexton / BI-Team-5

Cafe Java is a local coffee shop which is unable to operate smoothly due to the Global Pandemic (Covid). The cofee shop was only able to accept walk in customers, which under current safety regulations are seen as not safe and more importantly it has seen an increase in revenu loses. As a team, we have build a website to enable Cafe Java customers to make their orders online in advance of their visit to the shop with the aim to save the business from collapsing.
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Cafe Java is a local coffee shop which is unable to operate smoothly due to the Global Pandemic (Covid). The cofee shop was only able to accept walk in customers, which under current safety regulations are seen as not safe and more importantly it has seen an increase in revenu loses. As a team, we have build a website to enable Cafe Java customers to make their orders online in advance of their visit to the shop with the aim to save the business from collapsing.


Table of contents generated with markdown-toc

UX (User Experience)

Project Goals

The goal of this project is to build a website which allows a local coffee shop to better manage their business, minimise revenue loses and comply with social distancing requirements due to the Global Covid-19 pandemic.

The features on the website will:

We achieve this by:

User Goals

User Stories

***Please note, all of the sections in both booking forms are mandatory

Site Owner Goals

User Requirements and Expectations

Design Choices


We have chosen Josefin for all of the headers and Raleway the rest of the text. We have used a Caveat font for the logo and headlines throughout the site.


We have chosen the colour that say "coffee now please!", applealing to the eye and also compliments the design of the project. Color palette

These coulours will compliment each other well when used accross the site creating pleasant ambience.


We designed our site moc-ups using balsamiq wireframes. We were focusing on defining basic layout structure of the site and identifying how displays would change on different screen sizes such as mobile, tablet and desktop.






Features Implemented

Future Features



For every bug we found while in development process, we have loged an incident report. Bug we have managed to fix are now marked as closed.


The website was developed using both GitPod and Visual Studio Code and using Git pushed to GitHub, which hosts the repository. I made the following steps to deploy the site using GitHub Pages:

Running BI-Team-5 Locally

Cloning BI-Team-5 from GitHub:

Copy the following code and input it into your terminal to clone BI-Team-5:

git clone



You can find the images used for the site here. We have sourced them through various websites, which are free to use:


We have identified the colour palette on W3.

Image editing
