AlexRogalskiy / webgate

WebGate Mqtt
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Web service intended to provide operations on electronic devices (create, edit, fetch device's data, etc.)


Application can be used for creating and editing electronic devices profiles


For JDK 8

mvnw clean install spring-boot:repackage -Pnon_module_java,test-jar -DskipTests

to build image to Docker daemon:

mvnw clean install -Pnon_module_java,test-jar,jib -DskipTests

For JDK 11

mvnw clean install spring-boot:repackage -Pmodule_java,test-jar,jib -DskipTests

building image to Docker daemon:

mvnw clean package -Pmodule_java,test-jar,jib -DskipTests

buidling and deploying docker image to DockerHub:

mvnw -s settings.xml clean package -Pmodule_java,test-jar,jib -DskipTests -Denv.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME=<username> -Denv.DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD=<password>

Run with containerized PostgreSQL

Run PostgreSQL in docker-container via command:

docker run --name db-postgres -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -e POSTGRES_DB=devicedb -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
cd ${}/repackage
java -jar com.sensiblemetrics.api.webgate-mqtt-adapter-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-exec.jar


or simply run:


Deploy with Kubectl

1. Start the WebGate MQTT Adapter service:

kubectl run spring-boot-jib --image=$IMAGE --port=8080 --restart=Never

2. Wait until pod is up and running:

kubectl port-forward spring-boot-jib 8080

Download Docker image (RegistryHub)

docker pull alexanderr/webgate:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT


Choose one of the modules and add to your pom.xml


Bundle with all WebGate dependencies:

WebGate module dependencies:

Version Store



You can find more useful libs and examples on wiki


webgate is maintained by:

with community support please contact with us if you have some question or proposition.

Team Tools

alt tag

SensibleMetrics Team would like inform that JetBrains is helping by provided IDE to develop the application. Thanks to its support program for an Open Source projects!

alt tag

SensibleMetrics webgate project is using SonarCloud for code quality. Thanks to SonarQube Team for free analysis solution for open source projects.


SensibleMetrics webgate is distributed under LGPL version 3 or later, see COPYING.LESSER(LGPL) and COPYING(GPL).
LGPLv3 is additional permissions on top of GPLv3.
