AlexTy-dev / medusa-custom-admin-panel

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Building blocks for digital commerce

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## Compatibility This starter is compatible with versions >= 1.8.0 of `@medusajs/medusa`. ## Getting Started Visit the [Quickstart Guide]( to set up a server. Visit the [Docs]( to learn more about our system requirements. ## Start guide Create .env file with your credentials, for exapmle: ``` DATABASE_TYPE=postgres DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost/medusa-cpLz MEDUSA_ADMIN_ONBOARDING_TYPE=default STORE_CORS=http://localhost:8000,http://localhost:7001 ``` Install node modules ``` yarn ``` ``` cd custom-packages/admin-custom && yarn ``` ``` cd custom-packages/admin-ui-custom && yarn ``` Start command in root folder ``` yarn link:admin-custom ``` Start dev ``` yarn dev ```