by Alexander Lindsay
Podcast player bot allows you to play podcasts in your Discord server voice chat. You can add rss feeds to the bot to make it easier to share your favorite podcast with your friends on discord.
You are free to copy, modify, and distribute
This bot is built in C# and uses the Discord.Net to interface with Discord. It will require Windows to run.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add key="token" value="YourTokenHere"/>
<add key="feedFile" value="C:\Your\feedFile\Path"/>
Interacting with the bot is easy, just preface your command with $pod.
The first command to try is $pod help
. This will list all the other commands that are available. The help
command can also be used to get furthur information on the other commands. For example, $pod help play url
would provide help information on the play url
To get the bot to play an episode of your favorite podcast, say Alice isn't Dead, use the following commands.
rss add
command. $pod rss add aliceisntdead
play episode
command.$pod rss play episode aliceisntdead 1
Once an episode is playing you can use $pod what
to have the bot give your more information on what it is currently playing.
To stop the bot from playing a pod cast use $pod stop
. To get the bot to leave the voice channel use $pod leave