AlexanderSalter / MMM-Instagram2020

Magic Mirror Module for displaying your Instagram Posts on Magic Mirror
MIT License
7 stars 1 forks source link


This is a module for the MagicMirror2 for displaying your Instagram photos and comments on your MagicMirror2. It makes use of the new Facebook Instagram Graph API.

Example Module Loading Image Example Module Image


A) This module requires that Magic Mirror is setup for https/ssl access instead of the default http.

B) This module requires a Facebook Developer App in "Development" mode.

This Getting Started guide from Facebook will show you how to setup the App for instagram access. Just follow steps 1, 2 and 3 to get the variables you need.

From the app settings you will need:


Setup Magic Mirror for HTTPS/SSL access.

Install openssl:

sudo apt-get install openssl

Create Certs:

cd ~/MagicMirror/config
mkdir ssl
openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out ./ssl/magicmirror.pem -keyout ./ssl/magicmirror.key

Update Config File:

nano config.js

Update the following:

useHttps: true,                                                         // Support HTTPS or not, default "false" will use HTTP
httpsPrivateKey: "/home/pi/MagicMirror/config/ssl/magicmirror.key",     // HTTPS private key path, only require when useHttps is true
httpsCertificate: "/home/pi/MagicMirror/config/ssl/magicmirror.pem",    // HTTPS Certificate path, only require when useHttps is true

Install MMM-Instagram2020

  1. Navigate to the modules folder and execute git clone A new folder with the name 'MMM-Instagram2020 will be created, navigate into it.
  2. Execute npm install to install the node dependencies.
  3. Confiugre as per below.
  4. Follow the Authorisation Process.


Option Description
client_id Facebook Instagram App ID required for the Facebook Instagram APP.

Type: string
This value is REQUIRED
client_secret Client Secret required for the Facebook Instagram APP.

Type: string
This value is REQUIRED
redirect_uri Valid OAuth Redirect URI required for the Facebook Instagram APP.

This should be set to https://[IP Of Your Magic Mirror]:8080/MMM-Instagram2020/auth

Type: string
This value is REQUIRED and neets HTTPS to be active on your Magic Mirror Installation
animationSpeed How long for the animation to last when moving to the next image.

Type: integer
updateInterval How long before refreshing image.

Type: integer

Example config.js entry:

module: 'MMM-Instagram2020',
position: 'top_left',
header: 'MMM-Instagram2020',
config: {
  client_id: '<YOUR FACBOOK INSTAGRAM APP ID>', // Facebook Instagram App ID
  client_secret: '<YOUR FACBOOK INSTAGRAM APP SECRET>', // Facebook Instagram App Secret
  redirect_uri: '<YOUR FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM APP OAUTH REDIRECT URL', // Facebook Instagram App oauth_redirect_uri
  animationSpeed: 1000,
  updateInterval: 30000,

Authorisation Process

  1. Ensure that the Magic Mirror installation is https/ssl enabled.
  2. Ensure that client_id, client_secret and redirect_uri are all configured in config.js and that they match your settings in the Facebook Develloper App.
  3. Start MagicMirror2 and wait for the authorisation link to show, you will need to either VNC into your MagicMirror2 or access the MagicMirror2 interface remotely 'https://[IP Of Your Magic Mirror]:8080/'
  4. Look for the Message defined below and click the "Here" link

Image of Authorisation Process Step 4

+ Note: The mouse pointer may be hidden, just right-click to locate your pointer.
  1. Click the Authorise Button and the form will send you to your redirect_uri and give you an auth_code in the url.

Image of Authorisation Process Step 5

  1. If all is good, youll get a message with an auth_code, jsut close the window.

Image of Authorisation Process Step 6

Image of Module after Authorisation Process is complete

Note: The authorisation process uses a key stored in accesstoken.cfg under the module directory. This allows access to the account for 60 days. There is a mechanism in place to renew the key every time MagicMirror2 is restarted. If the access token gets to old, the interface will return to the authorisation link state.

Image of Authorisation Process Step 4


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details

To Do
