AlexeySanko / pybuilder_pytest

Pytest plugin for PyBuilder:
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PyBuilder Pytest Plugin Build Status

Use pytest Python module for running unittests and/or integration tests. This module follows the naming convention of pytest: file names start with test_ instead of ending with as stated in the PyBuilder

How to use pybuilder_pytest

Add plugin dependency to your


def init(project):

This will break the build if any unittest/integrationtest failed.

Coverage measure

For coverage measure is recommended to use pybuilder_pytest_coverage


Plugin has next properties with provided defaults

Name Type Default Value Description
dir_source_pytest_python string src/unittest/python Relative path to directory with unittest modules
pytest_extra_args list [] Extra arguments which will be passed to pytest
dir_source_pytest_integration_python string src/integrationtest/python Relative path to directory with integrationtest modules
pytest_integration_extra_args list [] Extra arguments which will be passed to pytest