Ali-Hasan-Khan / Scrape-Whoscored-Event-Data

Get match event data from
MIT License
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python3 scraping-websites selenium-python tutorial

Scraping Whoscored Event Data

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Tool to scrape match event data from Whoscored's chalkboard using Selenium.

Installation: 1) git clone

2) pip install -r requirements.txt

3) For some additional visual customisations replace with the one present in mplsoccer folder on your machine (somewhere here: ~\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\mplsoccer). [Recommended for inverted gradient effect in pass maps]

4) Follow tutorial.ipynb for guide.

Reach me here for any kind of help :)

Special thanks to Laurie Shaw for Expected Possession Value model (check out his work here).

For any help/suggestion regarding mplsoccer reach out to the creators: Andy, Anmol.