This is the repository from the paper "Vision-Language Models are Zero-Shot Reward Models for Reinforcement Learning" (ICLR 2024). We provide training scripts that can be used to reproduce our experiments, and a Python package that can be installed with pip and imported from another project.
Instead of manually specifying reward functions or relying on extensive human feedback to train your reinforcement learning agents, you can now use vlmrm
to specify tasks from only natural language prompts by leveraging pretrained vision-language models (VLMs) as zero-shot reward models (RMs).
We provide implementations for:
package as the reward model,stable_baselines3
that allows computing rewards at the end of episodes to increase fps by leveraging GPU batching,You can cite our work by using the following BibTex entry:
title={Vision-Language Models are Zero-Shot Reward Models for Reinforcement Learning},
author={Juan Rocamonde and Victoriano Montesinos and Elvis Nava and Ethan Perez and David Lindner},
booktitle={The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations},
This assumes you are using Python 3.9.
pip install -e ".[dev]"
for development.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg
sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
echo \
"deb [arch="$(dpkg --print-architecture)" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \
"$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME")" stable" | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --yes \
docker-ce \
docker-ce-cli \
containerd.io \
docker-buildx-plugin \
sudo apt install --yes ubuntu-drivers-common
sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall
distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID)
curl -s -L https://nvidia.github.io/nvidia-docker/gpgkey | sudo apt-key add -
curl -s -L https://nvidia.github.io/nvidia-docker/$distribution/nvidia-docker.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-docker.list
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-container-toolkit nvidia-docker2
sudo systemctl restart docker
Now set some variables to be used throughout this README. Replace <your_username>
with your desired username for your Docker images (e.g. your Hub's username). Insert your wandb API key.
export DOCKER_USER=<your_username>
export WANDB_API_KEY=<your_api_key>
Finally, build the docker image:
docker build -t $DOCKER_USER/vlmrm:latest . -f docker/Dockerfile
Test that everything is running smoothly:
docker run -it --rm --gpus=all --runtime=nvidia \
$DOCKER_USER/vlmrm:latest \
python3 /root/vlmrm/test_fps.py
Remember to push the image to a container registry if you want to use it on a cluster.
sudo docker push $DOCKER_USER/vlmrm:latest
The Dockerfile uses the CUDA container image as a base. The CUDA container base is subject to the license found on docker/NGC-DL-CONTAINER-LICENSE
Note: if you're using multiple GPUs for rendering and reward computation, NCCL will use shared memory by default to pass tensors across GPUs. However, Docker has a very low limit on shared memory by default (64MB). You can customize this by setting --shm-size
flag to multiple GBs according to your RAM specs, or disable shared memory entirely and use network (i.e. InfiniBand or IP sockets) to communicate between the CPU sockets by setting NCCL_SHM_DISABLE=1
as an environment variable.
docker run -it --rm \
-v $(pwd):/root/vlmrm -v ~/.cache/models/:/root/.cache/ \
--gpus=all --runtime=nvidia \
$DOCKER_USER/vlmrm:latest \
vlmrm train "$(cat config.yaml)"
where config.yaml
is a YAML file with the following structure:
env_name: Humanoid-v4 # RL environment name
base_path: /data/runs/training # Base path to save logs and checkpoints
seed: 42 # Seed for reproducibility
description: Humanoid training using CLIP reward
tags: # Wandb tags
- training
- humanoid
name: clip
pretrained_model: ViT-g-14/laion2b_s34b_b88k # CLIP model name
# CLIP batch size per synchronous inference step.
# Batch size must be divisible by n_workers (GPU count)
# so that it can be shared among workers, and must be a divisor
# of n_envs * episode_length so that all batches can be of the
# same size (no support for variable batch size as of now.)
batch_size: 1600
alpha: 0.5 # Alpha value of Baseline CLIP (CO-RELATE)
target_prompts: # Description of the goal state
- a humanoid robot kneeling
baseline_prompts: # Description of the environment
- a humanoid robot
# Path to pre-saved model weights. When executing multiple runs,
# mount a volume to this path to avoid downloading the model
# weights multiple times.
cache_dir: /root/.cache
policy_name: MlpPolicy
n_steps: 100000 # Total number of simulation steps to be collected.
n_envs_per_worker: 2 # Number of environments per worker (GPU)
episode_length: 200 # Desired episode length
learning_starts: 100 # Number of env steps to collect before training
train_freq: 200 # Number of collected env steps between training iterations
batch_size: 64 # SAC buffer sample size per gradient step
gradient_steps: 1 # Number of samples to collect from the buffer per training step
tau: 0.005 # SAC target network update rate
gamma: 0.99 # SAC discount factor
learning_rate: 3e-4 # SAC optimizer learning rate
checkpoint_freq: 800 # Number of env steps between checkpoints
video_freq: 800 # Number of env steps between videos
tensorboard_freq: 800 # Number of env steps between tensorboard logs
Example job can be found on the kube/
Simply run the vlmrm
vlmrm train "$(cat config.yaml)"
Alternatively, run
vlmrm train "$(cat EOF
replacing ...
with the YAML content.
You can run a job in the background by wrapping the command with nohup
at the beginning and and &
at the end. You can also redirect error and info logs to a log.txt
and save the PID in a file to easily terminate it later if needed:
nohup vlmrm (...) > log.txt 2>&1 & echo $! > pid.txt && tail -f log.txt
The code uses nested subprocesses and sometimes processes can exist not gracefully and leave defunct processes running. If this occurs during development, you may consider running the following: (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK)
# Get a list of all zombie processes
zombies=$(ps aux | awk '{ if ($8 == "Z") { print $2 } }')
# For each zombie process, attempt to kill its parent
for pid in $zombies; do
# Find parent of the zombie
ppid=$(ps -o ppid= -p $pid)
echo "Killing parent process $ppid of zombie $pid"
kill -9 $ppid