AllanJuenemann / CalendarView

UICalendarView for SwiftUI
MIT License
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swiftui uicalendarview


CalendarView makes UIKit's UICalendarView with all its features available to SwiftUI.

Please note that UICalendarView uses DateComponents rather than Date. CalendarView uses the same convention for consistency but might add support for Date in the future.


Displaying the calendar

import SwiftUI
import CalendarView

var body: some View {

Configuring the calendar

CalendarView uses the calendar, time zone and locale from the environment.

  .environment(\.locale, .init(identifier: "ja"))

The font design can be configured by using the fontDesign modifier.


You can also set the available date range.

CalendarView(availableDateRange: specialEvent)

Updating visible components

You can set and update the current components (year, month) that should be visible in the calendar.

VStack {
  CalendarView(visibleDateComponents: $visibleComponents)

  Button("Today") {
    withAnimation {
      visibleComponents = calendar.dateComponents([.year, .month], from: .now)

Using decorations

Use the decorating modifier to decorate specific days.

  .decorating([DateComponents(day: 16)])

Decorations can also be customized.

  .decorating(specialDates, systemImage: "star.fill", color: .yellow)
  .decorating(otherDates, color: .green, size: .large)

Handling selections

CalendarView supports selections of single and multiple dates.

CalendarView(selection: $selectedDates)

You can also configure which dates are selectable and deselectable.

CalendarView(selection: $selectedDates)
  .selectable { dateComponents in > 15
  .deselectable { dateComponents in
    dateComponents.year == currentYear && dateComponents.month == currentMonth