AllenInstitute / MIES

Multichannel Igor Electrophysiology Suite
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Look into crash dumps/log files again #1679

Closed t-b closed 7 months ago

t-b commented 1 year ago

Location: E:\tim-data\Crashdump-20230518

t-b commented 1 year ago


  1. Move folders from non-production machines (TB, MH, TJ, CI) to the folder _ignored
  2. Create .ignore with contents:
  3. Create a list of all messages from BUG/BUG_TS: rg --glob '!_ignored/' --glob '!messages.txt' --no-filename "action\":\"report" | jq -c '.msg' > messages.txt
  4. Make it unique sort messages.txt | uniq
  5. cat messages.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -n


      1 "Encountered pending RTE: 145, a wave read;index out of range"
      1 "Encountered pending RTE: 185, user function TimeAlignHandleCursorDisplay;attempt to use a null string variable"
      1 "Encountered pending RTE: 458765, MCC_AutoBridgeBal;Message timeout."
      1 "Encountered pending RTE: 6477, Save experiment file;Safe save can't rename the current version of the file"
      1 "The state transition AS_INACTIVE -> AS_POST_SWEEP is not expected."
      2 "Encountered pending RTE: 458765, MCC_AutoFastComp;Message timeout."
      2 "Missing DAScale stepsize LBN entry"
      2 "The state transition AS_MID_SWEEP -> AS_POST_DAQ is not expected."
      6 "Encountered pending RTE: 1321, a wave write;Index out of range for wave \"TPStorage\"."
      7 "The state transition AS_INACTIVE -> AS_POST_SWEEP is not expected.\r"
      8 "Encountered pending RTE: 131074, AxonTelegraphGetDataStruct;A telegraph server with the specified serial number and channel ID (700B) or com port ID, axo bus ID, and channel ID (700A) does not exist."
      8 "The state transition AS_MID_SWEEP -> AS_POST_DAQ is not expected.\r"
     15 "The ITC XOP returned an error!"
     23 "Broken async QC calculation"
     46 "Caught runtime error or assertion: 0"
   1981 "Missing baseline QC LBN entry"
   3459 "Encountered pending RTE: 823, PadString;Parameter is out of range"
   5468 "Could not find a failing chunk"
   7628 "Unknown reason for failure"

This gives:

  1. Create an issue for each message where the contents are generated by
t-b commented 1 year ago
t-b commented 1 year ago


      1 "AddModificationTimeEntry: Could not append to the HDF5 dataset"
      1 "Configuration file entry for panel type (Target Window Type) is empty."
      1 "DAC error"
      1 "Error NI-DAQmx driver error while calling function DAQmxStartTask; device Pressure1and2:-50103: The specified resource is reserved. The operation could not be completed as specified.\rExtended info:\rThe specified resource is reserved. The operation could not be completed as specified.\rTask Name: _unnamedTask<2AA25>\rStatus Code: -50103\u0000"
      1 "Error NI-DAQmx driver error while calling function DAQmxStartTask; device Pressure1and2:-50103: The specified resource is reserved. The operation could not be completed as specified.\rExtended info:\rThe specified resource is reserved. The operation could not be completed as specified.\rTask Name: _unnamedTask<2AA27>\rStatus Code: -50103\u0000"
      1 "Error NI-DAQmx driver error while calling function DAQmxStartTask; device Pressure1and2:-50103: The specified resource is reserved. The operation could not be completed as specified.\rExtended info:\rThe specified resource is reserved. The operation could not be completed as specified.\rTask Name: _unnamedTask<2AA29>\rStatus Code: -50103\u0000"
      1 "Error NI-DAQmx driver error while calling function DAQmxStartTask; device Pressure1and2:-50103: The specified resource is reserved. The operation could not be completed as specified.\rExtended info:\rThe specified resource is reserved. The operation could not be completed as specified.\rTask Name: _unnamedTask<931A>\rStatus Code: -50103\u0000"
      1 "Error NI-DAQmx driver error while calling function DAQmxStartTask; device Pressure1and2:-50103: The specified resource is reserved. The operation could not be completed as specified.\rExtended info:\rThe specified resource is reserved. The operation could not be completed as specified.\rTask Name: _unnamedTask<931D>\rStatus Code: -50103\u0000"
      1 "Error NI-DAQmx driver error while calling function DAQmxStartTask; device Pressure1and2:-50103: The specified resource is reserved. The operation could not be completed as specified.\rExtended info:\rThe specified resource is reserved. The operation could not be completed as specified.\rTask Name: _unnamedTask<9326>\rStatus Code: -50103\u0000"
      1 "Invalid alarm state"
      1 "Invalid empty name"
      1 "Invalid string with sweep number"
      1 "Invalid wave type"
      1 "Non-existing control or window"
      1 "Recursion detected, aborting"
      1 "Unexpected combo"
      1 "invalid clamp mode"
      2 "Could not open file for writing!"
      2 "Could not query amplifier"
      2 "Non matching clamp mode from MCC application"
      2 "ReadOut function TP_ROAnalysis aborted with: "
      2 "TimeSeries starting time can not be negative"
      3 "Average found no actual new value in any input row."
      3 "Error calling fDAQmx_resetDevice"
      3 "JSONXOP_GetValue;Could not create object in path."
      3 "Supply the optional argument value if setting values of other headstages than the current one"
      3 "str: \"Pressure1and2\" is not in the popupmenus \"popup_Settings_Pressure_dev\" list"
      5 "Graph must exist"
      5 "Value to set is out of range"
      6 "Missing baseline QC"
      7 "Labnotebook is too old for NWB export."
      7 "Labnotebook is too old for display."
      8 "Empty main device"
      8 "str: \"X7Ramp_DA_0\" is not in the popupmenus \"IndexEnd_DA_AllIClamp\" list"
     11 "The control Scale_DA_00 in the panel ITC18USB_Dev_0 is disabled. The control state cannot be changed when disabled."
     12 "Could not find final DAScale value from previous analysis function"
     12 "Hardware is still running and it shouldn't. Please report that as a bug."
     12 "Unexpected amplifier popup list format"
     12 "Unknown stepsize"
     12 "dataFolder must follow strict object naming rules."
     13 "ITCGetErrorString2;Problem with ITC DLL."
     13 "Invalid config"
     14 "Evil kittens prevented MultiClamp from opening - FULL STOP"
     16 "The panel ITC18USB_DEV_0 does not exist."
     19 "URLrequest did not succeed due to: "
     19 "Unexpected DA Unit"
     21 "H5_OpenFile: Could not open HDF5 file."
     26 "DAScale offset is non-finite"
     38 "Could not find amplifier"
     42 "The control check_DataAcq_AutoTP in the panel ITC18USB_Dev_0 does not exist."
    124 "Could not upload logfiles!"
    253 "str: \"ITC18USB_Dev_0\" is not in the popupmenus \"popup_MoreSettings_Devices\" list"
    589 "The panel ITC18USB_Dev_0 does not exist."
    896 "The control check_Settings_TP_SaveTP in the panel ITC18USB_Dev_0 is disabled. The control state cannot be changed when disabled."
    961 "Unexpected AD Unit"
   1443 "Not enough cycles present in the stimulus set."
   5002 "Could not find an edge"
t-b commented 9 months ago

@timjarsky Any advice how to proceed here? Close the issue and start over the next time we look into the uploaded data?

t-b commented 7 months ago

We tackled 9/17 bug messages and 2/6 asserts. A bunch of crash dumps was also found. One was reported to WM and got fixed (DoCloseWindow: IP ticket 4855).