AllenInstitute / MIES

Multichannel Igor Electrophysiology Suite
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Logfile archiving message is outputted on every start #2115

Open t-b opened 1 month ago

t-b commented 1 month ago

The message

Just a moment, archiving log file XXX.
This is only done once.

from ArchiveLogFilesOnceAndKeepMonth() is shown on every startup.

I presume this is because we collect more than 512MiB in a logfile per month. But a sample logfile from TJ needs to verify that.

THis also needs a fix which does not complicate the archiving.

t-b commented 1 month ago

If my huch is right, it might be enough to keep only the last week instead of the last month. We do upload the logfiles daily, see UploadLogFilesDaily.

t-b commented 1 month ago

Needs a screenshare on the machine.

t-b commented 3 weeks ago

FTP: issue-2115