AllenInstitute / MIES

Multichannel Igor Electrophysiology Suite
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Draft: Sutter amplifier support #2126

Open MichaelHuth opened 1 month ago

MichaelHuth commented 1 month ago

This PR adds Sutter amplifier support to MIES

MichaelHuth commented 1 month ago

@t-b Here is a table with the settable IPA options:

         CCMode // Sets headstage to Current Clamp
         VCMode // Sets headstage to Voltage Clamp
         IHold  // Sets the holding current in Current clamp to value
         VHold // Sets the holding potential in Voltage clamp to value
         Filter // Sets the amplifier filter setting (same for CC and VC).
                   Possible settings are (500;1kHz;2kHz;5kHz;10kHz;20kHz).
                   Function will set to the closest setting given an actual value.
                   Thus, either 5000 or 4900 will set the filter to 5kHz
         IFilter // see above
         VFilter // see above
         VGain // Sets the input gain in Current clamp mode. Possible settings are 10;20;50;100;200;500 mV/mV).
         IGain // Sets the input gain in Current clamp mode. Possible settings are (0.5;1;2.5;5;10;25 mV/pA).
// remark: Shouldn't that be a different clamp mode here?
         Offset  // Sets the offset (in Volts)
         OffsetLock // Toggles the offset lock
         ECompMag // Sets electrode compensation magnitude (SI units, so value is between 0 and 25e-12).
         ECompTau // Sets electrode compensation tau value (SI units, between 0.1e-6 and 4.5e-6).
         RsComp  // Sets the whole-cell compensation Rs value (between 0 and 100e6).
         CmComp // Sets the whole-cell compensation Cm value (between 0 and 100e-12).
         RsPred // Sets the series resistance prediction value (% between 0 and 1). 
         RsCorr  // Sets the series resistance correction value (% between 0 and 1).
         RsLag // Sets the series resistance correction lag time (between 0 and 200e-6).
         Bridge // Sets current clamp bridge balance (between 0 to 200e6).
         BridgeOn // Enables/disables bridge balance.
         AutoEComp // Activates the automatic electrode compensation routine
         AutoCellComp // Activates the automatic cell compensation routine.
         RsCompOn   // Rs Compensation enabled
         RsCorrOn   //Prediction/Correction enabled
         DynHold // Sets the dynamic hold voltage (between -1 and 1 V) for slow voltage control in CC mode.
         DynHoldOn      // Enables/disables dynamic hold.
         ECompOn        // Enables/disables electrode compensation (capacitance neutralization) in current clamp mode.
         VHoldOn        //  Enables/disables holding potential in VC mode
         IHoldOn        // Enables/disables holding current in CC mode.
         AutoOffset // Calls the automatic offset control 
         SealTest // Sets the HS#1 seal test. Value=0 off; otherwise value is amplitude in mV 
// (scaled 20 pA/unit in CC). SealTest automatically turns off if the amplifier is switched from VC to CC 
// (or vice versa), or if the headstage tab is changed (on the dIPA or multiple amplifiers). Seal test has a 
// 100ms duration which cannot be changed. Note: the seal test is not functional on headstage 2 of 
// the dIPA. If you require a seal test for the dIPA, please contact Sutter Instrument for a software solution.
t-b commented 1 month ago

Note to self: Figure out mapping between MCC controls and IPA names. Only support IPA ones which are on the MCC GUI window.

MichaelHuth commented 3 weeks ago
Control MCC func const or AIMCC_* function Sutter ID Sutter Comment
Radio_ClampMode_1 AIMCC_SetClampMode CCMode Sets headstage to Current Clamp
Radio_ClampMode_0 AIMCC_SetClampMode VCMode Sets headstage to Voltage Clamp
setvar_DataAcq_Hold_IC MCC_SETHOLDING_FUNC Ihold Sets the holding current in Current clamp to value
setvar_DataAcq_Hold_VC MCC_SETHOLDING_FUNC Vhold Sets the holding potential in Voltage clamp to value
Filter Sets the amplifier filter setting (same for CC and VC). Possible settings are (500;1kHz;2kHz;5kHz;10kHz;20kHz). Function will set to the closest setting given an actual value. Thus, either 5000 or 4900 will set the filter to 5kHz
Ifilter see above
Vfilter see above
Gain_AD_00 AIMCC_RetrieveGains Vgain Sets the input gain in Current clamp mode. Possible settings are 10;20;50;100;200;500 mV/mV).
Gain_AD_00 AIMCC_RetrieveGains Igain Sets the input gain in Current clamp mode. Possible settings are (0.5;1;2.5;5;10;25 mV/pA).
setvar_DataAcq_PipetteOffset_IC MCC_SETPIPETTEOFFSET_FUNC Offset Sets the offset (in Volts)
OffsetLock Toggles the offset lock
EcompMag Sets electrode compensation magnitude (SI units, so value is between 0 and 25e-12).
EcompTau Sets electrode compensation tau value (SI units, between 0.1e-6 and 4.5e-6).
MCC_SETWHOLECELLCOMPRESIST_FUNC RsComp Sets the whole-cell compensation Rs value (between 0 and 100e6).
MCC_SETWHOLECELLCOMPCAP_FUNC CmComp Sets the whole-cell compensation Cm value (between 0 and 100e-12).
setvar_DataAcq_RsPred MCC_SETRSCOMPPREDICTION_FUNC RsPred Sets the series resistance prediction value (% between 0 and 1).
setvar_DataAcq_RsCorr MCC_SETRSCOMPCORRECTION_FUNC RsCorr Sets the series resistance correction value (% between 0 and 1).
RsLag Sets the series resistance correction lag time (between 0 and 200e-6).
setvar_DataAcq_BB MCC_SETBRIDGEBALRESIST_FUNC Bridge Sets current clamp bridge balance (between 0 to 200e6).
check_DatAcq_BBEnable BridgeOn Enables/disables bridge balance.
AutoEComp Activates the automatic electrode compensation routine
AutoCellComp Activates the automatic cell compensation routine.
check_DatAcq_RsCompEnable MCC_SETRSCOMPENABLE_FUNC RsCompOn Rs Compensation enabled
RsCorrOn Prediction/Correction enabled
DynHold Sets the dynamic hold voltage (between -1 and 1 V) for slow voltage control in CC mode.
DynHoldOn Enables/disables dynamic hold.
check_DatAcq_CNEnable EcompOn Enables/disables electrode compensation (capacitance neutralization) in current clamp mode.
check_DatAcq_HoldEnableVC MCC_SETHOLDINGENABLE_FUNC VholdOn Enables/disables holding potential in VC mode
check_DatAcq_HoldEnable MCC_SETHOLDINGENABLE_FUNC IholdOn Enables/disables holding current in CC mode.
button_DataAcq_AutoPipOffset_IC AutoOffset Calls the automatic offset control
SealTest Sets the HS#1 seal test. Value=0 off; otherwise value is amplitude in mV (scaled 20 pA/unit in CC). SealTest automatically turns off if the amplifier is switched from VC to CC (or vice versa), or if the headstage tab is changed (on the dIPA or multiple amplifiers). Seal test has a 100ms duration which cannot be changed. Note: the seal test is not functional on headstage 2 of the dIPA. If you require a seal test for the dIPA, please contact Sutter Instrument for a software solution.
setvar_DataAcq_AutoBiasV sets a value
setvar_DataAcq_AutoBiasVrange sets a value
setvar_DataAcq_IbiasMax sets a value
check_DataAcq_AutoBias sets a value