AllenInstitute / MIES

Multichannel Igor Electrophysiology Suite
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NWB Export with multiple devices issue #978

Open t-b opened 3 years ago

t-b commented 3 years ago

PXP and NWBv2:

The PXP has data from two devices each 1 sweep from HS0.

Looking at the data with the HDF5 Browser


and the dump output

   SOFTLINK "electrode" {
      LINKTARGET "/general/intracellular_ephys/electrode_0"


   SOFTLINK "electrode" {
      LINKTARGET "/general/intracellular_ephys/electrode_0"

shows that both AD timeseries are linked to the same electrode and therefore to the same device. This is because as they use the same headstage number (electrode in NWB lingua) and we did not thought about that we need one NWB electrode for each device.

This bug is present in NWBv1 although less severe there because we also store the device name in the source attribute.

timjarsky commented 1 year ago

If devices are running different experiments, then create two NWB files. If yoking, then a single NWB is preferred.