AllenInstitute / npc_sessions

Tools for accessing and packaging data from behavior and epyhys sessions from the Mindscope Neuropixels team, in the cloud.
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len(vsyncs): len(framIntervals in stim file + 1) mismatch #100

Open bjhardcastle opened 4 months ago

bjhardcastle commented 4 months ago

Keeping a record of problematic files:

# each tuple is (num frames in script, num vsyncs in corresponding block)
bad_sessions = {
    'DRpilot_703880_20240412':    # hab
            'DynamicRouting1_703880_20240412_100321.hdf5': (217029, 217067),
            'SpontaneousRewards_703880_20240412_095251.hdf5': (36000,  35919),
    'DRpilot_702131_20240223':    # hab
            'DynamicRouting1_702131_20240223_092832.hdf5': (217622, 217642),
            'RFMapping_702131_20240223_090336.hdf5': (51336, 51333),
            'SpontaneousRewards_702131_20240223_091818.hdf5': (36000, 36004),
    'DRpilot_708016_20240430':    # ephys
            'RFMapping_708016_20240430_125907.hdf5': (51336, 51339),
    'DRpilot_703880_20240418':    # ephys
            'OptoTagging_703880_20240418_132217.hdf5': (18955, 18976),
            'Spontaneous_703880_20240418_132816.hdf5': (36000, 36006),
            'SpontaneousRewards_703880_20240418_133829.hdf5': (36000, 36001),
bjhardcastle commented 1 month ago

s3://aind-private-data-prod-o5171v/ecephys_714753_2024-07-05_10-31-35/behavior/DynamicRouting1_714753_20240705_111125.hdf5 is the first ephys task file with the mismatch (2 frame difference).

Will have to actually fix this now...