AllenInstitute / npc_sessions

Tools for accessing and packaging data from behavior and epyhys sessions from the Mindscope Neuropixels team, in the cloud.
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neuropixels cloud sessions

Tools for accessing data and metadata for behavior and epyhys sessions from the Mindscope Neuropixels team - in the cloud.

PyPI Python version

Coverage CI/CD GitHub issues


Make a conda environment with python>=3.9 and simply pip install the npc_sessions package:

conda create -n npc_sessions python>=3.9
conda activate npc_sessions
pip install npc_sessions
>>> from npc_sessions import DynamicRoutingSession, get_sessions;

# each object is used to get metadata and paths for a session:         
>>> session = DynamicRoutingSession('668755_2023-08-31')  
>>> session.is_ephys                                
>>> session.stim_paths[0].stem                      
# data is processed on-demand to generate individual pynwb modules:
>>> session.subject                                 # doctest: +SKIP
  subject pynwb.file.Subject at 0x1999418231888
    age: P205D
    age__reference: birth
    date_of_birth: 2023-02-06 20:23:02-08:00
    genotype: wt/wt
    sex: M
    species: Mus musculus
    strain: C57BL6J(NP)
    subject_id: 668755

# a full NWBFile instance can also be generated with all currently-available data:
>>> session.nwb                                     # doctest: +SKIP
root pynwb.file.NWBFile at 0x...
  acquisition: {
    lick spout <class ''>
  devices: {
    18005102491 <class 'pynwb.device.Device'>,
    18005114452 <class 'pynwb.device.Device'>,
    18005123131 <class 'pynwb.device.Device'>,
    18194810652 <class 'pynwb.device.Device'>,
    19192719021 <class 'pynwb.device.Device'>,
    19192719061 <class 'pynwb.device.Device'>

# loop over all currently-tracked sessions using the session-generator:
>>> all(s.session_start_time.year >= 2022 for s in get_sessions()) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> trials_dfs = {}
>>> for session in get_sessions():                  # doctest: +SKIP
...     trials_dfs[] = session.trials[:]

to develop with conda

To install with the intention of contributing to this package:

1) create a conda environment:

conda create -n npc_sessions python>=3.9
conda activate npc_sessions

2) clone npc_sessions from github:

git clone

3) pip install all dependencies:

cd npc_sessions
pip install -e .

Hierarchy of required packages


Current NWB components

key data types

(the following all have a description field, as well as other type-specific attributes)
