AllenNeuralDynamics / aind-ephys-postprocessing

CodeOcean capsule for ephys post-processing
MIT License
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Postprocessing for AIND ephys pipeline



This capsule is designed to postprocess ephys data for the AIND pipeline.

This capsule first removes redundant/duplicate units (sharing >90% of the spikes). Then, it computes sparse waveforms and then in computes several additional postprocessing data, including:

In addition, quality metrics are also computed here. Postprocessed data are used downstream for spike sorting curation and visualization.


The data/ folder must include the output of the aind-ephys-preprocessing and the aind-ephys-spikesort-pykilosort/aind-ephys-spikesort-kilosort25capsules, including the preprocessed_{recording_name} and spikesorted_{recording_name} folders.


The code/run script takes the follwing arguments:

  --n-jobs N_JOBS       Number of jobs to use for parallel processing.
                        Default is -1 (all available cores). It can also be a float between 0 and 1 to use a fraction of available cores
  --params-file PARAMS_FILE
                        Optional json file with parameters
  --params-str PARAMS_STR
                        Optional json string with parameters

A full list of parameters used for postprocessing and quality metrics calculation can be found in the code/params.json:

    "job_kwargs": {
        "chunk_duration": "1s",
        "progress_bar": false
    "sparsity": {
        "method": "radius",
        "radius_um": 100
    "postprocessing": {
        "duplicate_threshold": 0.9,
        "waveforms_deduplicate": {
            "ms_before": 0.5,
            "ms_after": 1.5,
            "max_spikes_per_unit": 100,
            "return_scaled": false,
            "dtype": null,
            "sparse": false,
            "precompute_template": ["average"],
            "use_relative_path": true
        "waveforms": {
            "ms_before": 3.0,
            "ms_after": 4.0,
            "max_spikes_per_unit": 500,
            "return_scaled": true,
            "dtype": null,
            "precompute_template": ["average", "std"],
            "use_relative_path": true
        "spike_amplitudes": {
            "peak_sign": "neg",
            "return_scaled": true,
            "outputs": "concatenated"
        "similarity": {
            "method": "cosine_similarity"
        "correlograms": {
            "window_ms": 50.0,
            "bin_ms": 1.0
        "isis": {
            "window_ms": 100.0,
            "bin_ms": 5.0
        "unit_locations": {
            "method": "monopolar_triangulation"
        "spike_locations": {
            "method": "grid_convolution"
        "template_metrics": {
            "upsampling_factor": 10,
            "sparsity": null,
            "include_multi_channel_metrics": true
        "principal_components": {
            "n_components": 5,
            "mode": "by_channel_local",
            "whiten": true
    "quality_metrics_names": [
    "quality_metrics": {
        "presence_ratio": {
            "bin_duration_s": 60
        "snr": {
            "peak_sign": "neg", 
            "peak_mode": "extremum", 
            "random_chunk_kwargs_dict": null
        "isi_violation": {
            "isi_threshold_ms": 1.5, 
            "min_isi_ms": 0
        "rp_violation": {
            "refractory_period_ms": 1, 
            "censored_period_ms": 0.0
        "sliding_rp_violation": {
            "bin_size_ms": 0.25,
            "window_size_s": 1,
            "exclude_ref_period_below_ms": 0.5,
            "max_ref_period_ms": 10,
            "contamination_values": null
        "amplitude_cutoff": {
            "peak_sign": "neg",
            "num_histogram_bins": 100,
            "histogram_smoothing_value": 3,
            "amplitudes_bins_min_ratio": 5
        "amplitude_median": {
            "peak_sign": "neg"
        "amplitude_cv": {
            "average_num_spikes_per_bin": 50,
            "percentiles": [5, 95],
            "min_num_bins": 10,
            "amplitude_extension": "spike_amplitudes"
        "firing_range": {
            "bin_size_s": 5, 
            "percentiles": [5, 95]
        "synchrony": {
            "synchrony_sizes": [2, 4, 8]
        "nearest_neighbor": {
            "max_spikes": 10000, 
            "n_neighbors": 4
        "nn_isolation": {
            "max_spikes": 10000, 
            "min_spikes": 10, 
            "n_neighbors": 4, 
            "n_components": 10, 
            "radius_um": 100
        "nn_noise_overlap": {
            "max_spikes": 10000, 
            "min_spikes": 10, 
            "n_neighbors": 4, 
            "n_components": 10, 
            "radius_um": 100
        "silhouette": {
            "method": ["simplified"]


The output of this capsule is the following: